Heart lodged in his throat, he settled his gaze on his father. “They didn’t sign you… because of your relationship with Mom?”

“Oh, they never admitted that to be the reason,” his mom muttered. “Even in the eighties, it was against the law to discriminate like that. But it was obvious the way every manager just completely bypassed him. It was like he’d been blacklisted or something, behind the scenes.”

Her eyes flashed with anger. “There was no other explanation. His stats were unparalleled. Not that his coaches were even remotely surprised. They’d warned him. All butbeggedhim to find a new girlfriend. Either that, or at least hide me away.”

She slid her husband a bittersweet look. “But he refused. Our love wasn’t something to be ashamed of. So, when Draft Night came, and he didn’t get picked up, his coaches merely offered him their heartfelt condolences. They knew why he hadn’t gotten signed, and so did we.” She shook her head. “It was the talk of the town for years.”

Jesus. Breck couldn’t believe it. His dad had beenso closeto making the pros. Which made the bomb that Breck just dropped even bigger than he’d realized. A bunker buster and shit. Hitting deeper than he’d ever thought possible. Forcing his dad to relive his crushed dreams through the actions of his son.

Breck regarded him. No wonder he looked so upset. He’d busted his asstwice overfor the NBA, and yet was still meeting theexact same fate.

This time though, because of Breck’s choices.

Breck’s determination to be true to himself.

Taking the exact same risk his dad had over thirty years ago.

His dad sighed, his broad shoulders sagging. And God, how his dark brown eyes said it all. How could he condemn Breck for doing as he’d done? Standing his ground in the face of injustice, just like he’d done with Breck’s mom?

He couldn’t, and he knew it.

And Breck’s mom knew it, too.

“It’s okay, hon.” She smiled reassuringly. “We understand your situationandyour choice. We love you, no matter what path you choose, and willalwayssupport you.”

Breck drank in her words, her unconditional acceptance. He’d needed to hear them so fucking bad.

And then his dad coughed out a humorless chuckle. “Wow. The irony. Unbelievable.” He rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

Breck’s heart sank at his vibe of all but throwing in the towel. Clearly to him, the future had just shifted to grim. “The world’s different now,” Breck murmured. “People have changed.”

His dad nodded half-heartedly. “I hope you’re right. It’d be a damn shame otherwise. They couldn’t pray for a more gifted athlete to grace their courts.”

Breck smiled. His dad was a drill sergeant sometimes, but he was also always so generous when it came to praise. “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ve got this. Gonna make you proud.”

His dad smiled sadly. “I’malreadyproud of you, Breck. And Idowant you happy, no matter what it takes. I just don’t want you risking all you’ve worked for for some newfound crush.”

Breck shook his head. “He’s not a crush.”

“Do you love him?”

His stomach fluttered in answer. “I do.” To the extent that Kai meant even more to him than his basketball career.

His parents turned and held each other’s gaze. A long moment passed, and then they looked back at Breck.

“If you’re positive this is what you want to do.” His dad sounded resigned, and yet Breck swore he detected a glimmer of pride in his eyes.

“I am, and it is.”

His mom smiled. “Then we support you, baby, one hundred percent.”

“Thank you.” A lump welled in Breck’s throat. His chest squeezed. That they were standing behind him meant the world.

“But for the record,” his dad tacked on gruffly, “I’ddo it differently. Would wait untilafterthe Draft to make yourbig reveal.”

Breck’s lips twitched. “When have I ever done things the easy way?”

“Never,” his dad grunted. “This is going to be interesting.” Then a smile identical to Breck’s began to tug at his lips. “Goddamn it. Come here,” he muttered warmly. Both he and Breck’s mom gestured him over for a hug.