His mom opened the door a moment later. Their eyes met, and then that smile he loved so much spread across her face. Beaming, she stepped onto the porch and waved him forward.

And what do you know, there it was. The incentive he’d needed.

Heart hammering, he shoved from his car and headed over to greet her.

* * *

“Draft Night is coming up fast.”

Breck forced himself not to tense at his dad’s pointed comment. With a casual front, he leaned against the kitchen counter and gave a nod. He’d been there for an hour and now his mom was making sandwiches. Just a few minutes earlier, he’d wrapped up a game of hoops in the driveway with his dad. To his surprise, his dad had kept the conversation on anythingbutbasketball, asking questions instead about Breck’s trip to Hawaii in a couple of days. Evidently, he wanted to save NBA chit chat for when they could adequately focus—competition ran hot in their DNA and, at one point, Breck had been schooling his ancient ass by seven points.

Either way, his dad had just gifted him with the perfect segue. An opportunity to finally accomplish what he’d come there to do.

No more stalling.

Bite the bullet.

Let’s go.

Straightening his posture, he tightly cleared his throat. “Speaking of which...” He glanced at his mom, then looked back at his dad. “I’ve met someone and… I wanna take them with me to the event.”

His mom lit up. “Oh, honey! That’s great!”

His dad, however, immediately shook his head. “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’ll be distracted and—”

“It’s important to me.”

“Why? Why’s she gotta go tothis? Can’t you take her to movie or—”

“He’s a guy.”

His dad stilled. “What?”

Breck’s heart sped up. “The person I met,” he stated directly. “He’s not a girl.”

Silence lingered as his parents swapped looks, his mom having paused with the ham and cheese to eye Breck curiously, too.

“What exactly are you saying?” his dad finally asked. “That you wanna bring a friend?”

“No. That I’m dating a man.” He held their gazes. “And I like him a lot.”

More silence. Again, his parents swapped glances, his dad looking way more rigid now and his mother perplexed. Both of them, however, looked equally thrown for a loop.

Jaw tight, his dad regarded him. “So, you’re telling us you’re gay.” His voice was cool, controlled, and yet his demeanor gave him woefully away.

Breck’s hands went clammy. He shifted his weight. “Well, technically I’m bi.”

“Since when!” his dad exploded, arms flying up. There went his cool.

“Ben, relax,” Breck’s mom interjected. “Let’s just figure this out.”

His dad’s jaw muscle ticked, eyes locked with Breck’s. “Fine. You likebothgenders. But now you’redatinga man.”

Breck’s heart raced faster, his stomach twisting. “Yes.”

His dad just stood there, palpably wrapping his brain around every aspect of Breck’s words.

Was he disappointed? Angry? Disgusted?