Breck laughed. “Right? That’s actually not a bad idea. I’ll tell Mom to resuscitate himaftermy ass is out the door.”

Kai smiled and affectionately palmed Breck’s cheek. “Hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi.”

Breck stilled and eyed him curiously. “You’ve said that before, but I can’t remember what it means.”

“As the cherry blossom is considered foremost among flowers,” he murmured, “so the warrior is foremost among men. You are a fighter, Breck, for things that matter to you most.” His thoughtful tone softened. “I’m honored to have you here… to hold in my bed.”

Breck blinked, and then Kai spotted it in his eyes, a glint of pure, genuine, unadulterated pride. He cleared his throat. Shrugged a little. “Yeah, well, you know, it took me a while to finally convince you.”

Kai cocked a brow and smiled. “Of what?”

“That, you know, I’m who you’ve been waiting for all your life.”

Ever the charmer. And one with so much practice.

Kai coughed a laugh and dropped his hand. “A while indeed. Who knew it’d take you so long to climb off your throne?”

Breck grinned, unphased by his playful jab, and closed the space between them for a lazy kiss. “Admit it. You think my throne is sexy.”

“Only when you’re sitting on it at an angle where I can see up your shorts.”

Breck laughed against his lips and kissed him deeper, his fingers tunneling leisurely into Kai’s tousled hair. “You. Creepy. Old. Man,” he mumbled. “Next, you’re gonna wanna tie me up and suspend me from the ceiling or some crazy shit.”

Kai chuckled and tugged him closer, then vowed for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, “Mark my words,jeja, I’m going to be doing a whole lot more to you than that.”

* * *

After Kai’s less than subtle promise, things naturally turned heated again between the sheets. Didn’t last nearly as long as the night before, though. Which was fine. Breck was kind of sore, truth be told. Evidently, a marathon of bottoming would do that to a guy.

Besides, when they finally got out of bed, more sex would be had in Kai’s spacious shower. Up against the tiles with suds sliding down his body, as Kai took him from behind, his gloriously attentive—and soapy—hand all but worshiping Breck’s cock.

Breck adjusted his package as he turned onto the exit that’d drop him less than a mile from his parents’ house. After he’d dried off and left Kai’s apartment, he’d swung by his place real quick for a change of clothes. Then, before he could change his mind, he’d headed right back out the door.

Of course, on the way, he’d had to hurdle a few obstacles. Namely, countless queries thrown at him from his bros as to where he’d crashed last night. He didn’t go into it, though—he’d give them the run down later—just donned a satisfied smile that had them smirking in clear approval.

In truth, the impression he’d given hadn’t been misleading. Hehadgotten lucky and spent the night with one hell of a catch. Luckier than ever before, with the most incredible man in the entire world.

But again, he’d clarify things later. He wanted to talk to his parents first. Aside from Ned, it’d only be right for them to find out first. He’d never risk them finding out through word of mouth—or, God forbid, the news because some fucknut had blabbed.

As for Tad and Jay, he’d tell them tomorrow when they met for weightlifting. Down in Scott’s basement, the house of two openly gay men, just seemed apropos. Plus, even dumbass Goldie Locks wouldn’t be stupid enough to razz him up in front of those two muscular behemoths.

Dealing with Tad would be smooth sailing, obviously. Ned, however, was another story. He’d have had plenty of time to come up with some colorfully covert commentary.

Breck shook his head and tamped back a smirk.

Ned was not one to be underestimated. Especially when the subject at hand involved sex.

He’d deal with that punkass though, when he crossed that bridge.

Right now, the bulk of his focus was on telling his parents. Clearly, they’d both be surprised, jarred by such a huge and unexpected disclosure. Without question, his mom would take it better. But as far as his dad was concerned… Yeah, Breck was already bracing.

All too soon, he pulled up to their house. His childhood home where he’d lived for as long as he could remember. Cutting off the engine, he turned his gaze to its large oak door, flanked on either side by narrow panes of glass.

Absently, he palmed the top of his head. Started soothingly rubbing to ease his spiking nerves. He’d called ahead. They knew he was coming. To turn back now would only instigate questions.

Not that bailing was even on the table. Because it wasn’t.

He just needed to find the inspiration to get out of his car.