Dropping his hands to the sides of Breck’s neck, he severed their kiss and firmly nuzzled Breck’s cheek. “Fuck,jeja. Can’t wait to be back inside you.”

Breckmmm’edinto his ear. “That’s what I’m saying. Let’s fuckin’ go.” He was grinning, Kai could hear it in his voice.

Kai eased back and smiled.

Breck went for his mouth again.

Kai laughed against his lips and clutched Breck’s ass. “My hungry boy.”

“You’ve got no idea,” Breck all but growled.

Kai’s dick straight-up bucked at his tone. He stepped back. “Now, on to phase three.”

Breck’s gaze smoldered with anticipation. Kai lowered the suspension ring to just above Breck’s head—which, in turn, repositioned Breck’s wrists down in front of his throat.


Kai gestured to the knot he’d fashioned between Breck’s palms. “Use both of your hands to hold on to that. Keep your elbows tucked close against the sides of your body.”

Breck assumed position. Kai moved behind him and grabbed his hip harness’s excess rope. Then, reaching up, he fed it through the suspension ring. “I’m going to suspend your lower torso now, but I want you to keep your top half upright, so hold on to that knot.”

Breck nodded and braced himself, eyes trained on their reflection. Kai pulled down on the rope and hoisted him up. Breck’s feet left the ground, his ass canting upward. Kai gripped the rope higher, his biceps flexing, and pulled down again. Then a couple more times, until Breck’s hips were perfectly aligned with Kai’s crotch.

Yeah, just like that.

Kai all but growled, then forced his brain to focus, securing a new knot around the suspension ring. Ropes creaked as he pulled it taut. Breck swayed, his back beautifully arched, his biceps and shoulders bunching in support of his weight.


Breck watched him in the window, his gaze smoldering.

Kai could do so much more, continuing to tease them both, but all he wanted right now was to be joined with this man. Physically, yes, in the worst kind of way. But also, on that intensely intimate, soul-deep level. Bodies fused while their spirits communed. A part of his being merged with a part of Breck’s. That energetic sexual exchange he offered to no one else. He wanted to give himself to Breck.Allof himself. To take that risk and finally reap the rewards.

Grasping Breck’s ankle, he lifted his foot. Breck’s knees bent as his other tethered foot lifted by default. With its excess rope, he fastened Breck’s foot to one side of his hip harness. He moved to Breck’s other foot and quickly secured it on the other side.

Breck’s knees bent even tighter, his thighs parting wider, lending a gloriously unobstructed view of his tethered junk. Kai eyed his rig job’s newest modification, and the way it presented his lover in such an enthralling light. So alluring, the way Breck’s hips canted at the base of his spine. The way his sleek spine curved so provocatively up toward his bunching shoulders.

Kai tamped a rumble of unadulterated desire, then turned Breck so he faced the window at a three-quarters angle. Breck’s gaze locked with his in their reflection. Kai slipped his thumbs into his waistband, then slid his track pants down and off of his legs. Boxers too. Naked in one fell swoop.

And just like that, Breck was drinking him in, his hungry eyes downright palpable through the window’s reflection. Again, Kai met his eyes and held them. How long would they last once he was buried inside?

Retrieving his wallet from his track pants’ pocket, he pulled out a condom, then swiped up his bottle of lube.

“You don’t need that,” Breck murmured, his quiet voice husky.

Kai paused, glancing at the condom, then back at Breck. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I get tested regularly. And I always wear protection. Every time.”

“Hm.” Kai peered down at his boner, the thing all but imploring him to give it free rein. On his end, he was definitely clean. His sexual jaunts were infrequent at best and always included protection.

Fuck, just the prospect of taking Breck bareback… He tossed the packet and cast Breck a grin. “The night keeps getting better.”

Breck returned his grin with one of his own, and as Kai lubed his erection, Breck watched him like a hawk, his searing gaze stoking Kai’s arousal to impossible heights.

Still, he refused to rush this. Wanted to savor every moment of this exchange.

He moved back behind Breck and gripped the harness with his free hand. Breck shifted, his heels pressing against his ass, his biceps bunching beautifully as he held himself up. The sight was staggering. Made it hard to focus. He pressed between Breck’s legs, forcing his thighs even farther apart.