A turn of events that Kai hadn’t been prepared for. A plot twist that changed things in ways that he couldn’t deny. In one fell swoop, Breck had upended the entire game, knocking over every recent roadblock that had built up between them.

And yet, that vibe he was throwing was the most influential force of all. The intensity of his emotions, the sincerity in his voice. The desperation in his eyes at the thought of Kai letting him go.

Breck wasn’t in it for the sex anymore. Kai could see that now, couldfeelit down to the marrow of his bones. Breck wantedhim, wantedthem, together. In such a big way that he’d risk virtually everything. Something, in hindsight, Kai had never once detected from Ryan.

A flood of relief swept through his body.

Breck was nothing like Ryan.

And now their differences were breathtakingly clear.

Ryan’s sights had always been set on that ladder, the one that would take him to the very top. All too willing to cut Kai loose as soon as he conflicted with his interests.

Breck, on the other hand, had aspirations, but not to the extent that they’d ultimately blinded him. Somewhere since they’d spoken at Tad’s, he’d opened his eyes and had started to see what mattered most.

Kai just prayed that he’d stay awake.

A prayer, he’d admit, that had begun even before he’d gone downstairs and opened the door. When he’d been practicing his evening tai chi and heard Breck’s car in the parking lot. He’d known it was him. No one else came around unannounced so late at night. And even as a part of him prepared to tell Breck to go, another part, in the center of his ribs, hoped for an entirely different outcome. That Breck would finally say all the words that Kai had needed to hear.

So, he’d waited for that doorbell to chime, trying like hell to be at peace with what the universe decreed, and continued on with his exercises in the quiet of his home. Except, the doorbell never sounded. Which, truth be told, had siphoned his last semblance of hope. Just to be sure though, to give himself closure, he’d gone to the camera feed to make sure Breck had left, his heart braced and ready to concede at the sight of him gone.

To his surprise, Breck hadn’t been gone. He was definitely, and quite visibly, still there. Pacing underneath Kai’s oak tree, looking anxious and, God, totally beautiful. Kai’s insides had melted, Breck’s troubled-yet-determined expression hitting him right in the feels. His proud, handsome athlete searching so ardently for the right words to say.

The scene had moved him, and as he continued to watch, he found himself sighing in wistful longing.

So, when Breck finally found the courage to ring that doorbell, Kai was already on his way down the stairs. No matter how this encounter ended, he’d resolved to engage Breck face to face.

Gazing down at him on his knees, his air so self-effacing, Kai could feel his walls continuing to buckle, a warmth so immeasurable growing in the pit of his stomach.

And then his heart, in its peaceful, knowing tone, whispered,One more try.

And that was all he needed to finally understand.

This was the path he’d always been destined to take.

The way he’d always needed to go to finally heal inside.

Yes. He’d give Breckone more try.

Because this time he knew for sure that no other tries would be required.

Blinking, he cleared the dampness from his eyes. “If we do this,” he murmured, “If I accept you as mine… I plan to indulge in every part of your being. Your heart. Your soul. Your body. Your mind. I won’t be done with you,jeja, for hours.”

Breath left Breck in a rush. He gave a nod, his golden-browns locking on Kai’s mouth. “Don’t want you toeverbe done with me.”

Kai’s heart thudded, that warmth in his stomach growing stronger. “Stand up,” he rumbled softly. Breck rose to his feet. Their gazes met. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

Breck watched as he strode to his shelving unit. First task: switch up the music to something more sensual and intimate. He put on a playlist with some of his favorite artists. Then he grabbed the unit’s bottom bin and took it back with him to Breck. He set it atop the coffee table. Breck regarded its contents, eyeing the bundles of rope. Lips curving, he looked back at Kai. “You’re gonna tie me up?”

Kai donned a grin. “Ah,jeja, I’m gonna do a whole lot more to you than that.” Breck’s smile widened as Kai reached for his tee. “Arms up,” he instructed, starting to lift it. “This is coming off.”

Breck obeyed, allowing him to pull it off. His gaze slid down Breck’s body, drinking in the sight of his sculpted chest. The way the candlelight flickered over his pectorals and shadows danced along his abs. The physique on this wondrous male was nothing short of magnificent.

Lifting his eyes, he met Breck’s hooded stare. And then Breck reached for his shirt too, and started lifting it with brazen intent. His body blazed as he let Breck pull it up and over his head.

Breck exhaled as he dropped Kai’s tee, his sizzling stare locked on Kai’s torso. “There,” he mumbled. “Even playing field.”

Kai grinned. “Enjoy it while it lasts.” Although, in truth, he could bask all night under the heat of those appreciative eyes.