But then, in his periphery, he noticed Kai’s focus fixing securely on his body. Breck turned to watch him. Something smoldered in Kai’s eyes.

All but drinking Breck in, his voice dipped huskily. “Keep practicing your breathing,jeja. I’m almost done.”

Breck pursed his lips. Whenever Kai called him that, it made him feel inferior. The student beneath the teacher. And yet, to his frustration, he was also starting to love it. The nickname that Kai had given him rolling off the guy’s tongue. Because in truth, Kai never called him that in arrogance. Rather, his tone always held a sense of honor and respect. With maybe even a little bit of fondness.

Breck regarded him. Wasjejasome kind of lowkey endearment, instead of what Breck had perceived as a slight? A subtle show of affection that he had totally missed? Warmth swelled in his chest, but then Breck tensed. That he liked such a prospect would not bode well. Kai was a good time andnothing else. Breck’s temporary freedom. His moonlight tryst until life came calling once again. Besides, come on. What the fuck? Guys didn’t give him feels. They gave his dick a boner. He had a hard-on for Kai and that was all. End of story.

Brain back in order, he resumed practicing his breathing while at the same time watching Kai assemble his curious contraption. The mini hoist connected to a carabiner, then that metal ring with its swivel connected to the hoist. Once finished, he hooked it onto the extension pole and transferred it to the eye loop affixed to the beam. The metal ring at the bottom swayed above their heads.

Kai met his eyes. “You ready to do this?”

And wasn’t that the million-dollar question in this crazy moment. Breck chewed on his cheek. Scratched his neck. Eyed Kai’s dubious device. “Um… I think?”

Kai’s lips twitched. “Do you consent to me tying you up?”

Breck held his gaze knowingly. Kai was reminding him that he was always in control. That he always had a choice. Breck forced a wry smile. “No blindfolds this time?”

“Hmm.” Kai crossed his arms and tapped his chin. “I suppose I could allow that concession.” A teasing light glimmered in his eyes.

Breck smiled wider. “And I can talk whenever I want?”

Kai smirked and dropped his hands. “I’m afraid that part’s non-negotiable.”

“Wait, why?” Breck laughed. “You let me talk last time while you were trussing me up.”

Kai’s expression shifted to serious. “Your last rig job wasn’t especially dangerous. Suspensions, however, are. I want to be able to focus. To concentrate. A model’s safety is my top priority.”

“Oh.” Breck eyed Kai’s gear again. “So this is dangerous.”

Kai shrugged confidently. “Only if performed by somebody who doesn’t know what they’re doing.” His tone turned wry. “Or whose brain is perpetually distracted by unnecessary conversation.”

Breck tamped a chuckle. “Okay. Fine. Whatever.”

“Besides…” Kai’s voice dipped sensuously. “Half the pleasure of rope tying, or in a bottom’s case, being bound, is the quiet, euphoric place it takes your mind. We can’t get there if we’re talking the whole time.”

Breck stilled, the unexpected sentiment Kai just painted erotic as hell. Clearing his throat, he rasped, “Rope models are considered bottoms?”

A grin tugged at Kai’s lips. “Yes, Breck. They are.” Something glinted in his eyes. “Do you have an aversion to being a bottom?”

God, his voice. Breck swore it dropped an octave. Trapped in his gaze, he shook his head. “No. I… was just curious.” In truth, the thought of being Kai’s bottom turned him on bigger than shit. “So I guess that would… make you… my top.”

Kai lashes dipped ever so slightly. “Yes, in a roundabout way, it would.” He canted his head curiously. “Have you ever had a top before? Or have you always been the one in charge, like you are on the court?”

Breck’s gut clenched at yet another unexpected question. “I told you… I’ve only ever been with one other guy.”

“Yes, but you never specifiedhow.”

Breck’s heart thumped anxiously. “I tried both.”

Kai watched him. “And which position did you assume primarily?”

Breck crossed his arms. Shifted his weight. Gave a shrug. He should tell Kai that that was none of his business. But a strange, masochistic part of him was craving this exchange. He’d never been able to talk about this with anyone.

Kai’s lips quirked, as if Breck’s non-answer was confirmation—that he preferred being a bottom. But did he view that as Breck being submissive? Because he wasn’t. He wasn’t submissive. To anyone.

Or at least, he didn’tthinkhe was.

Lifting his chin, he muttered, “I like variety.”