Groaning, he dropped his head back into his hands. “I’m just so sick of stressing over this shit. Sometimes I don’t even care about basketball anymore. The stardom. What my dad fuckin’ thinks. I just… God, all I fuckin’ want is to be with Kai.”

“So go be with him.”

Breck’s heart squeezed miserably. He dropped his hands and looked at his friend. “It’s not that simple. He’s done with me. Has washed his hands. All the stupid crap I’ve pulled… He’s tired of my shit.”

“Maybe, but don’t forget, he seriously digs the rest of you. And that, my boy, still holds a shit ton of weight.”

“What if he doesn’t, though? What if he’s turned off his feelings?”

“Not possible.” Ned shook his head. “Not at the level he’s been into you. Remember what he told you? That he didn’t share his sex mojo with just anyone, that he held that shit sacred? Well,hello. He shared that sacred-ass shit withyou. Had sex withyou. So, what does that mean? That you’re special to him. Likereallyspecial. You just need to convince him that you’re still worth the fight.”

“How?” Breck asked. “’Cause I honestly don’t know.” He’d fucked up so many times, he wouldn’t even know where to start.

“Dude.” Ned slid him a smirk. “You’re a fuckin’point-guard. A literalplaymaker. Form a plan and then make it happen. Just like out on the court.”

Breck opened his mouth to contest Ned’s logic, but Ned kept on going. “He doesn’t wanna be your secret?Done. You’ll be fixing that shortly. What else was your bigshot, dumb ass doing that was working his nerve… Over-the-top partying, all the hoochies…” He chuckled. “Clearly,the womenaren’t an issue anymore. The drinking, however…” He rubbed his chin. “Think you can do it? Pump the breaks on the booze? God knows, you’re just as big a lush these days as fuckin’Jay.”

Breck’s laugh held zero humor. “Yeah, not a problem. I’ve had enough alcohol to tide me over fora while.”

“So, you’re good! You’ve got this, dude! Go get him!” Ned leveled him with a grin that lit Breck’s insides with hope.

Can I do this?

Am I actually considering it?

His heart raced with equal parts excitement and anxious dread. Excitement at getting Kai back and the end to his hiding. Dread at gambling his future—and the fallout with his dad. A happy future was worth the price, though. And so was Kai. He realized that now. He couldn’t believe that he’d actually been planning to let him get away.

“It’s not gonna be easy,” he murmured. “Kai’s a resolute guy. I’m gonna have to jump through some serious hoops.”

Ned snickered. “Say goodbye to your pride. It can lick its wounds later… when your sated ass is a puddle in that stallion’s bed.”

“Stallion?” Breck tamped a laugh.

“Uh huh.” Ned grinned. “You’d never fall for a dude this bad if he wasn’t hung.”

Breck fought a smile. “Who screwed your head on wrong?”

Ned laughed, then quieted and sighed. “I’m happy for you, my boo. Your special someone finally came around and found you.”

Another smile tugged at Breck’s lips as he dared to hope. As he dared to imagine a future filled with everything that mattered. His chest grew lighter, his heart pounding faster.

Shoving to his feet, he blurted, “I wanna go to him now.”

“Then go.” Ned grinned.

“My dad’s gonna flip.”

“Your dad will get over it.” Ned shoved him toward the door. “You got this, tiger. Go get your man. Oh, and when you’re done with all that sweaty make-up sex, be sure to tell Mr. Hottie McYummy Pants I said hello.”


Breck pulled up to Kai’s place a couple of minutes after ten, only to sit there in his car staring at the door. He knew why he’d come and what he wanted to do, but hadn’t really thought about the words he’d say.

Last time they talked, Kai had looked pretty damned determined not to go any further. To cut his proverbial losses and hang it up. Which, all things considered, Breck could totally understand. If the roles had been reversed, he’d feel the same.

Exhaling, he climbed out of his ride, hoping some fresh air might help his brain function better. Quietly, he closed the door behind him. Didn’t want to risk attracting Kai’s attention just yet. He wasn’t ready. His only game plan when he’d left Ned’s was to run home and shower, and then get to Kai’s. He needed to formulate an actual strategy so he could fix this mess.

Of course, now, as he stood at Kai’s place, he realized he had no idea how to do that. Kai had heard his apologies before. And ultimately, they hadn’t done shit to change his mind.