Breck stilled, then turned around. “Kai.” He glanced at the gallery. “What’re you doing out here?”

Kai pocketed his hands. “Heading home. How ‘bout you?”

Breck frowned down at his phone. “Doing the Uber ride of shame.”

Kai chuckled. “Ah. You didn’t drive.” He peered back at the building. “What happened to your friends?”

Breck shrugged. “They don’t wanna leave yet.”

Kai thought about that, then motioned toward the parking lot. “I’ll give you a ride.”

Breck eyed him apprehensively. The look was adorable.

Kai grinned, unable to help it. “I don’t bite.”

“You sure about that?”

“Alright, fine. I do, but I won’t.”

Breck’s mouth quirked into a smile. He looked back down at his phone. Bit his lip, as if conflicted. As if a part of him was game but needed a valid reason to accept. Which, in his defense, was totally fair. The bulk of their previous encounters were rocky at best.

Kai eyed that lush lip trapped between Breck’s teeth. “Cancel your ride,” he ordered softly. “You’ll like mine better.”

Breck met his gaze. “You sound confident.”

“I am.”

Breck lifted a brow.

“Ever ridden in an Exorcist?”

Breck stilled, then gaped. “Shut the fuck up.”

Kai grinned. “Come see.”

Breck rubbed his skull cut, glancing toward the parking lot. A heartbeat later, a smile escaped him. “Alright. Let’s go.”


Breck couldn’t believe his tipsy ass was doing this; engaging with his wet-dream obsession—slash—nemesis, yet again. It was stupid. Things always ended badly. If he’d been smart, he would’ve politely declined. But he wasn’t smart. When it came to Kai, he did dumbass shit. Like just now, when he’d succumbed at the drop of a hat. In his defense, though, the bait had been ridiculous. No way he could’ve turned down that golden carrot. Just the prospect of seeing an Exorcist in person would give any guy in his right mind wood, and he had been offered a ride.

He may be stupid, but he wasn’t that stupid.

He glanced at Kai as they rounded the corner. The gallery’s parking lot was located around back. The glow of streetlights staved back most of the darkness. Kai met his gaze and smiled. Just a little. Then, as if pointing with his eyes, he focused on something straight ahead. Something lurking in the shadows. On second thought, maybe it was the shadow. Some enigmatic blackhole absorbing all surrounding light.

Heart thumping, Breck took it in as they approached. Yup, that shadow was most definitely a Camaro-shaped car. They drew to a stop a few feet away. Breck just stood there and stared at the thing.

Kai waited patiently, as if totally understanding.

“Wow,” Breck finally managed. Slowly, he circled it. “Goddamn, that grille.”

Kai folded his arms. “He’s got some teeth.”

Breck coughed back a laugh. “Pretty sure I see fangs.” He resisted the urge to go digging for his cell phone. He wanted a selfie with this Demon Hunter so damn bad.

Kai grinned and moved to the driver’s side. “Get in.”

Don’t need to tell me twice. Breck hustled over to the passenger side. Oh, Jesus. Air left him as he slid inside. Brushed leather and suede. Tinted windows. Sleek console. Red glowing dials. Kai’s ride was primal and posh. Aggressive sex and black silk sheets. Refined and sleek, but also fierce and wild.