Kai returned his gaze to Breck. Couldn’t help it. The weight of his stare was impossible to ignore. Breck frowned and turned away again, shoving his beer bottle back to his lips. Kai sighed and turned his focus back to Scott—only to find him curiously eyeing him and Breck. Kai smiled and lifted a reticent brow. Scott detected something but didn’t appear to know what it was. For now, Kai would let him wonder. Mysteries, after all, were fun.
Scott smirked a little and shook his head, then got busy with some casual conversation. Kai contributed when he felt the urge, but mostly just listened to the others banter. They were a light-hearted bunch. Amusing. Even Breck was cracking occasional jokes. When, that is, he wasn’t cutting glimpses Kai’s way. Which Kai was aware of because he was doing the same. Every so often, their eyes would lock, but only for a moment.
And yet, despite Breck’s outward conduct, Kai could sense that his presence was making the senior tense. Breck’s rigid shoulders. The tight set of his jaw. The lifespan of his smiles lasting the briefest of seconds. Something even Breck’s friends started to detect. Ned kept shooting him what’s-wrong-with-you looks. At one point, Jay made a comment for him to have another beer. Even Scott reverted back to eyeing him, clearly intrigued by Breck’s underlying demeanor.
Scott looked at Kai and lifted his chin. “Hey… Let’s go wander around some. I saw some watercolors that I bet you’d like.”
A reasonable idea, but Kai wasn’t fooled. Scott wanted to clear some of the tension in the air—even if he still didn’t understand exactly why it was there.
Kai smiled. “Sure.”
Scott turned to Tad. “We’ll be back.” He pulled him close and nuzzled his face.
Tad grinned. “Okay. But while you’re out there, find that chick with the hors d’oeuvres and snag me some.”
Scott chuckled and kissed his cheek. “Will do.” Then he turned to Kai. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Kai nodded, his eyes briefly locking again with Breck’s, then weaved through the crowd alongside Scott. On the way, they bumped into some of Scott’s clients, as well as a couple of his workout buddies. Some of them Kai knew from the fitness facility. They conversed for a few and then continued on their way.
A moment later, they arrived at the watercolors. Scott stopped at one in particular, its depiction that of a wood-planked pathway meandering through a bamboo forest. “This one’s cool. Makes me think of your apartment.” He flicked Kai a grin. “You know, all Zen-y and shit.”
Kai laughed and crossed his arms, regarding the image. “I suppose it is rather Zen-y, yes.”
Scott led him to another, of a mountain range. “I love this one.” He smiled. “Makes me wanna drag Tad out for an all-day hike… then find a cool place under the stars and pitch a tent.”
“You should.”
“I think I might.”
Kai turned from the image to eye his friend. “You two are solid.”
Scott gazed thoughtfully at the painting. “Yeah.” His expression softened. “Had some bumpy patches in the beginning, but now all’s good.”
“That’s great. I’m glad he makes you happy.”
“He definitely does.” Scott smiled, but then he slid Kai a querying look. “And what about you? Anyone in your sights?”
And there it was. Scott’s subtle probe. No doubt, regarding Kai and a certain Patriots point guard.
Kai tightened his folded arms. Shrugged casually. “Not anyone I’d be serious about pursuing.” Not exactly a lie.
Scott chuckled. “Nice deflect.”
Kai fought not to smile. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Uh huh.” Scott smirked. “Whatever.” He glanced in the direction of the bar. Then dipped his voice a little. “No really. What the fuck’s up with you and Breck?”
Kai bit his tongue. “Who? Oh, you mean Tad’s friend?”
Scott leveled him with a wry you-think-I’m-stupidlook. “Yeah, him. The guy you’ve been swapping eyes with all night, who can’t seem to decide whether he’s happy to see you or not.”
Kai smiled a little. “So observant.”
“Always.” Scott grinned. “Now what’s the deal?”
Kai chuckled and shook his head. “Nothing’s the deal.”
Scott eyed him disbelievingly.