His mind reeled at his own stupidity.

And yet, he could feel something shifting inside. Like that slap had redirected his adrenaline, and now the stuff was fanning a completely different kind of flame. One that demanded he attack Kai’s body for a whole different reason. Chest heaving, he glared at Kai, every part of him in chaos.

Kai stared back at him, his expression shuttered. “Would you like more?”

Breck seethed, his pride still taking more hits. And yet, despite his rage, he couldn’t fight the hunger pulling him toward this man. So much stronger and headier than usual, like a magnet cranked up to maximum. “No,” he ground out, stepping closer.

Kai didn’t move—and didn’t that speak louder than words. He was allowing Breck into his space. Confident that Breck knew better now than to pull more shit. And he was right. The cocky bastard. Breck fumed. He’d been all but made to heel. Just more of the same old fucking bullshit from this man.

Fisting Kai’s shirt, Breck glowered and drove him back into the wall.

He wanted to throttle him.

To punish him.

To teach him a lesson.

He wanted to— His gaze dropped to Kai’s mouth.

God, he wanted to kiss him so fucking bad.

Clutching tighter, he growled and fused their lips.

Kai tensed and clutched his shoulders as if debating whether to shove him off.

Not that Breck planned to wait around and find out. He parted his lips and delved his tongue into Kai’s mouth. A low, conflicted noise rose up in the back of Kai’s throat. His body eased. Then just like that, he was kissing Breck back. Granted, not quite as feverishly, but who fucking cared. Breck would take whatever he could get from this man. This walking enigma who drove him totally insane. For shit’s sake, he came to reel on the man, but now all he wanted was to devour him.

Heart pounding, he pressed against Kai’s body, needing closer. Swept his tongue against Kai’s hungrily. Heatedly. Again and again. The man tasted amazing. All citrus and minty. With a faint hint of blood. Breck’s mind swam, intoxicated. God, Kai’s mouth! Breck had never kissed a guy before. Had never in his wildest dreams imagined their lips could be so luscious.

He groaned and deepened their kiss. Kai kept pace, but still not nearly as aggressively, as if endeavoring to keep Breck’s crazy train from going off the tracks. Breck all but laughed. No way could Kai stop where he was going. He was finally, finally exactly where he’d needed so desperately to be. Crushed against this man, taking what he’d been starving for. Without the slightest fucking care of repercussions. Alcohol was amazing. He didn’t care what people said. It freed him from his prison of inhibition and fear. Allowing him to reach for what he truly, deeply wanted without one thought of looking back.

And he wanted Kai. Since the moment he first saw him.

This exasperating, impossibly gorgeous, incredible man.

With that look meant only for Breck in his midnight eyes. A look that was both poison and passion, Breck’s most fevered desire and his most fiery end.

He grasped Kai’s head in both hands and crushed their mouths closer. Kai rumbled and clutched Breck’s nape and the base of his spine. Breck moaned at the feel of Kai’s strong hands staking claim, wordlessly proclaiming that Breck was now under their control. Breck couldn’t pull back unless Kai allowed it. Was pinned against his body until further notice. A realization that, God fucking help him, just turned Breck on even more.

His hips started grinding. He was hard as granite. But then, so was Kai, his boner rubbing against Breck’s like it wanted to play.

Yes. There was nothing Breck would love more right now. And with so much adrenaline already pumping through his veins, he was perfectly primed.

Heart racing, he reached for Kai’s shirt and started pulling it up. Kai stilled, his breathing ragged, but Breck kept going. He needed skin on fucking skin in the worst kind of way.

Kai groaned against his lips. “What are you doing?”

“Taking your shirt off.”

Kai gripped his wrists and stopped him.

“What?” Breck panted.

“You’re drunk. And emotional. I’m not doing this with you right now.”

“Why not? You want it, too.”

“When you’re coherent.”