Kai smiled. “To the fact that he doesn’t really want to give away his sub.”

Whoa. Okay. Starting to understand.

Max had feelings for Sean, but for some reason he was trying to deny them. A scenario that, incidentally, sounded way too familiar.

Breck cleared his throat. “So, what’d you do? You know, to drive him crazy?”

Kai gave another shrug. “Made it look like Sean was giving me head.”

Breck stiffened. In what universe was one able to fake that?

If it involved pulling out one’s dick, he was done with this conversation. “How?” he rasped.

“Easy. Just turned my back to the glass and unzipped my fly—”

Breck gripped his beer tighter.

“—then shoved my fingers into Sean’s mouth and told him to suck.”

Breck stilled… Then choked on a laugh. “Oh, my God, are you serious? And it worked?”

Kai smiled. “Next thing I knew, Max was crashing through the door.”

Breck shook his head, but then sobered and met Kai’s eyes. “And if he hadn’t? What would you have done then?”

Kai looked away. “I guess I would’ve finished the session.”

“Which entailed what? You fucking Sean?”

“No. Not on the first meeting. And there won’t be a second, so...”

Breck eyed him, surprised. “There won’t?”

Kai chuckled. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Well, for one, Sean isn’t really on the market. He’s still Max’s. And Max is still his.”

Breck frowned. “But then why would Max—”

“Honestly, I don’t know the specifics. But what I do know for sure is that they’re not ready to part ways. They’ve got a lot to work out. I’ve never seen two human beings more emotionally tied.”

Breck thought about that, then looked at him. “Did it piss you off? When you figured that out? I mean, they didn’t just drag you into their little lover’s quarrel. They wasted your time. Promised you a sub and then reneged.”

Kai shrugged again. “I’m not pressed.”

For some reason, that made Breck happy. “You’re not irritated at all?”

“Nope.” Kai sipped his beer. “I’m kinda glad.”

Breck’s heart skipped. “Glad?”

Another shrug. “I was doing it as a favor.”

“Ah.” That felt incredibly good to know. “So, you hadn’t actually been looking for a sub.”

Kai eyed him. “Would it have been wrong if I had?”