— TEN —
Kai took his time washing his hands. He wanted to give Breck a chance to make his getaway. After all, he had the impression their conversation hadn’t exactly gone the way Breck had intended. Especially with the curve ball Kai had just thrown his way. Breck had been entirely too intoxicated to deflect that little plot twist.
Not that Kai wasn’t feeling the influence of alcohol himself. He had a nice buzz going on. And therefore, hadn’t been able to resist his final proposition. Even despite all of Breck’s insolent comments—of which, he’d tried for the most part to take with a grain of salt. All that liquor had clearly gone to Breck’s head—he’d found himself wanting to create another opportunity for interaction. A metaphorical door, so to speak, for him to leave wide open.
Which was stupid. Absolutely unwise. But again, he’d had a few shots himself and wasn’t at the top of his game, his tipsy head suddenly seeing some sort of wisdom in handing over the reins.
Shaking his head, he shut off the faucet and peered over his shoulder. Yup, Breck was long fucking gone. Kai’s shuttered expression shifted into a frown. In truth, despite his efforts not to let Breck’s words get to him, at times they did admittedly rattle his calm. Yeah, the guy had been angry about the shooters, but Kai had only been playing. And come on, it was the way of the world. Guests of honor always took the brunt on their birthdays. It was tradition.
Granted, had he known just how much it was going to upset Breck, he never would’ve done it. He’d assumed Breck’s band of buddies had already broken him in, raking the birthday boy over far worse coals than a simple round of light-hearted shooters.
Kai turned to the hand dryer mounted on the wall and shoved its big silver button with his forearm. Hot air rushed forth with a wail. Brows furrowed, he got busy rubbing his hands.
Bad call on his part. Yes, he’d concede that. But in truth, it’d also been just more of Breck’s typical behavior. Only exaggerated, thanks to all that alcohol.
Kai sighed, acknowledging how, even as wasted as Breck was, he still wasn’t immune to him. Just the sight of him… God, he’d looked incredible. Those big, intense eyes gleaming with milk chocolate gold.
Such a handsome face, his features so captivating. Yet his strong lean body had been just as alluring. And outside of his typical athletic garb, the guy had style. Kai recalled the image; black leather high-tops with clean white midsoles. Distressed, dark jeans. A black braided wrist band, and a printed white tee. Kai had liked his shirt. Had liked it a lot. And not just for the delicious way it hugged his torso. Its design looked like liquid onyx oozing down his chest. A look so enticing, he’d suddenly had an urge to explore the wonderful world of body painting.
Unfortunately, Breck’s disparaging attitude had been in high gear the whole time.
Kai’s stupid class?
Kai frowned, still endeavoring not to take that little insult personally. It was harder than he expected, though, which was unsettling. He didn’t typically care what others thought. Breck should be no different. Besides, he suspected Breck didn’t really feel that way. He was just angry… and yet the words still stung. A fact Kai found himself struggling to come to terms with. Even now, the haughty King Breck could still knock him out of alignment.
His frown deepened, even as his stomach fluttered. He wondered if said king would actually retake his ‘stupid class.’ He suspected two possible outcomes. Breck would blow the notion off completely or show up to defend his pride, determined to prove that he could handle whatever challenges Kai brought to the table.
Kai thrummed at the prospect and shoved through the door. Music thumped as he headed down the hall. Making his way through the crowd, he spotted Scott and Max back at the bar, talking with another guy Kai hadn’t seen before. He was younger than them, practically a twink, and even better looking than Scott, with dark-blue eyes and blond hair that brushed his shoulders.
But then Kai sensed someone’s stare. His gaze shifted, tracking the feeling to the far end of the bar. Breck glared at him as he stood by the service counter. Looked like he’d made a pitstop on the way back to his friends.
Kai’s heart pumped a little faster. He loved the sensation of Breck watching him so intently. He used to watch him a lot. Kai met his gaze and casually held it. Breck shifted rigidly but didn’t look away. And then Kai saw it, that subtle gleam in his eyes. A whisper of wanting. A hint of hunger. An air of need that instantly stirred Kai’s crotch.
Breck was showing his hand again. A visual that pleased Kai but also spurred fresh frustration. Breck still wanted him, after all these months, but continued to deflect his feelings with pointless anger.
Because Kai wouldn’t bow down to him like everyone else.
And yet, he suspected there was another reason, too. The gay card. Or more specifically, the bi card. In all likelihood, due to his high-profile, he probably wasn’t even out yet. Which Kai supposed shouldn’t be all that surprising. But it was definitely unfortunate and would only make things harder on the guy. Sooner or later, Breck would have to embrace that side of himself.
Kai regarded him thoughtfully.
Maybe he could help.
After all, Breck had come to him. Had wanted to engage. Had sought Kai out, and that meant something. Even if Breck didn’t want to admit it.
Forcing his gaze away, he weaved through the masses back to Scott and Max. They looked to have just finished giving their little blond friend some kind of shooter.
Grinning awkwardly, Scott stepped back and set aside the shot glass. Kai draped an arm over his shoulder. “Into threesomes these days?”
He could still feel Breck’s stare.
“Not exactly,” Scott chuckled. “That’s Sean. The guy I was telling you about.”
Kai lifted a brow. That was Sean? The sub who wanted a full-time Dom? Said sub looked his way. Kai smiled and tipped his chin. Sean eyed him curiously, grinned, then resumed talking to Max.