— NINE —


Breck couldn’t believe he was this buzzed already. Should’ve heeded Tad’s advice earlier and ordered a bigger dinner. But it was his birthday and he wanted to party. Not eat a damn burger.

He peered across the table at Tad, Jay, and Marcie, crammed like sardines into their side of the booth. Fortunately, it was just Ned with him on his side. A plus for sure in one sense, giving him more room. On the flip side, though, he had those drunk-ass love birds in his direct line of sight. Which currently involved the spectacle of Jay endeavoring to teach his woman the correct way to down tequila.

“No, no. Gah. You’re doing it all wrong. Lick first, then suck.” Jay dumped more salt on Marcie’s thumb, then shoved another lime wedge into her hand.

Not the most exciting of visuals.

Tad looked just as unenthralled.

Breck shook his head and turned to eye the crowds. The club was nearly at max capacity. Only a few times had he seen it this full. As far as the eye could see, bodies gyrated to the DJ’s sick music mix. Tall ceilings with exposed ventilation ducts loomed overhead, colorful lasers frenetically spearing across the dance floor and walls.

Friday night was in full swing.

He shifted against the leather of their black, high-backed booth and returned his gaze to his friends across the way. Just in time, incidentally, to witness Marcie giving it another go. Down the hatch went more Cuervo Gold. Then that lime wedge quickly followed suit. He winced, watching her face turn as green as the lime.

Oh, God. If she gets sick…

Breck scowled and turned to Jay. “Yo, Goldie Locks. Your girl downs any more of that shit and she’s gonna be barfing in your lap. Don’t make me witness that crap on my birthday.”

Jay looked at Marcie nervously, his drunk gaze churning, then relieved her of her next shot and downed it himself.

Breck grinned, shaking his head. One way of doing things, he supposed.

Across the way, Tad laughed, also eyeing Marcie’s current shade. “Thank fuck I’m not designated driver.”

Yeah, no shit.

Breck wouldn’t want Little Miss Wasted in his car, either.

Beside him, Ned stiffened, then pointed threateningly at Jay. “If you or your woman projectile in my ride, I will kick your inebriated ass.”

Which, of course, did little to deter them. In fact, they acted like he’d been joking, throwing their heads back in laughter as Marcie reached for another shot.

“I’ll be good!” she promised cheerfully.

Ned batted her hand away. “Oh, no you don’t. Drink any more of that and you’re taking a cab.”

“Brah. Don’t be such a buzzkill,” Jay protested. “Just ’cause you can’t drink, doesn’t mean Marcie and I—” He stopped abruptly, his gaze locking onto something behind Breck and Ned. “Get the fuck out. Look who just walked in. Breck and Tad’s BFFs and—” He paused again. “Another big fucker, too.”

Breck went rigid, warning sirens erupting in his way-too-buzzed brain. BFFs of his and Tad’s? Oh, hell no. If Jay’s snarky tone was any indication, Tad’s ‘BBF’ was his boy Scott. And the only guy Breck knew that’d be with Scott… was frickin’ Kai.

He watched Tad follow Jay’s line of sight, then just like that, his hazel eyes turned all warm and gazey. As if whoever he was suddenly looking at was the sun and moon.

Breck didn’t bother glancing over his shoulder. For one, he already knew who Tad was staring at. The only person Breck had ever seen him eye like that. More importantly, though, he didn’t want confirmation of who Scott’s companion was.

Ned twisted to get a looksee, then turned back and leveled Breck with a grin. “Let’s invite them over. You’d love that, wouldn’tcha, big guy?”

Does he want to get punched?

Breck clenched his jaw. “Let’s not and say we did.”

“Oh, come on!” Jay threw up his hand to get their attention. “It’s your birthday! The more the merrier!”

Tad shot his friend a menacing look. “Dude. What are you do—”