Then again, it’d been months because of Breck. Because he ditched Kai’s class without a single word. In fairness, their last interaction had been pretty rocky. And at the start, Kai had said some things that he wished he hadn’t. The ‘daycare’ comment. The ‘binky’ jab.
In hindsight, he couldn’t believe he’d gone there. He’d just been so frustrated with Breck’s attitude, his energy. It’d pulled him completely out of his controlled state of mind. Next thing he knew, it’d been misery loves company. He’d wanted Breck as off kilter as Breck had managed to make him. Which was petty. Kai knew this. Wasn’t proud of his actions. Even now, it amazed him how easily Breck could drive him from his center.
Nevertheless, it’d still stung when Breck never returned. No explanation. No ‘thanks anyway.’ No farewell. As if Kai hadn’t been worth even the effort to type an email. And while he knew it was ultimately just a class dropped by a student, he still couldn’t help taking it personally. And not just from of the effort he’d invested in Breck, but because of the intimacy they’d shared. Those moments had left a mark he couldn’t seem to erase.
He supposed that was how Breck rolled, though. Just par for the course for a celebrity like him.
Fresh resentment flared before Kai could tamp it. Breck was just like Ryan.
Cared for no one, considered no one, but himself.
Cutting him a look, Kai took his leave, bumping Breck’s shoulder as he headed past. “Good seeing you again.”
Breck didn’t respond. Didn’t react at all. Why would he, though? What could he do? Push Kai back? Try and take him on? They both knew how that would end.
No matter. He didn’t need Breck’s kind of temptation.
Just a whole lot of headache he’d be wise to avoid.
But as he strode away, Scott’s distant words grabbed his attention.
“C’mon, Tad. Time to see what you’re made of.”
Though Scott had spoken them to another, they somehow felt meant for Kai. As if the universe was speaking to him through his friend. Challenging him to reassess his decision.
To reconsider.