“No. Not the same. I’m your adversary. Not some obstacle you’ve got to circumvent to reach the hoop. You must defeat me, not merely find a way around me.”

Breck pursed his lips. He hated lectures. “Whatever, Sensei. Can we just do this?”

Kai’s smile ebbed, as if Breck’s indifference was a slight. “Again,” he muttered, the command detached.

Breck attacked, still going with his charging-bull approach.

Punch, punch, KICK—

Kai dodged, then knocked Breck’s supporting foot out from under him with his leg.

Breck hit the mat. “Oomph!”

Shit. Should’ve seen that one coming.

Kai had been going over that move for the last two weeks.

Kai peered down at him.

Breck shot him a glare.

“Predictable,” Kai reiterated. “You must surprise me with ambush moves. Perhaps, if not like a leopard, then… maybe a lion.”

“A lion,” Breck drawled, waiting for Kai’s reasoning.

“Yes, because they’re bigger.” Kai smiled and offered him a hand. “Since, you know, you’re so determined to go with brawn.”

Breck narrowed his eyes. Was Kai mocking him now? Challenging his abilities?

Anger flared as ego reared its head. Jaw clenched, he gipped Kai’s hand—and put all his strength into giving a yank.

Eyes widening, Kai plummeted forward.

Aw, fuck.

Breck braced.

Probably should’ve planned Kai’s trajectory a little better.

Kai plowed into him.

Breck grunted, laid out flat again on the mat.

“Jesus,” Kai laughed, splayed atop him. “What was that? Some trademark move called sour grapes?” His teasing words stoked Breck’s ire, even as his warm breath tickled the hairs on his neck.

His body tightened hungrily.

Ugh. Stop it, body!

This know-it-all on top of him was not turning him on.

Forcing a scowl, he shifted stiffly under Kai’s weight. “Guess I don’t know my own strength. Or maybe you’re just not packing as much as I thought.”

Kai eased up and met his gaze. “Jeja,” he murmured. “That stunt was childish.”

Breck glared, clenching his teeth. Because, honestly, what could he say? It had been childish. But, goddamn it, Kai made him rash when he was pissed.

Kai’s eyebrow quirked. “Your jaw’s ticking. You mad?”