“Dude. I was downtown all day. Must’ve sank at least ten three-pointers.”

Jegs turned to Breck as they reached their lockers. “Is he for real?”

Breck grinned and tugged off his shirt. “Do I look like his score keeper to you? I was focusing on other things. Like bringing the win.”

Jegs smirked, shucked his clothes, then opened up his locker. “I brought it, too. You may command, but I execute. By the way,” he beamed broadly, “that alley-oops was fuckin’ sweet. The way you lobbed the ball to the basket? And then the way I slammed it home?” Jegs grabbed his crotch and nodded. “Bro. Gave me wood.”

Breck laughed. “Yeah. You’re welcome.”

Charlie snorted and headed for the showers, his naked ass rocking for all to see. “You wait. This junkyard dog’s gonna school both y’all next time.”

Breck grinned, in nothing but his birthday suit, too, and sauntered after the shooting guard toward all the steam.

Jegs fell in step, that teasing glint still flashing in his eyes. “Shit, dog. No need to wait ‘til next practice to redeem yourself.”

Charlie cut him a look over his shoulder. “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

Jegs beamed. “Taekwondo’s tonight. If we get paired up again, you can—”

“If?” Charlie chuckled sardonically. “Don’t you mean when?” He glanced at Breck as they entered the large communal washroom. “Grandmaster always spars with B.”

“He does, doesn’t he.” Jegs snickered at Breck. “That man definitely enjoys putting you on your ass.”

Breck stiffened with a glare. “He doesn’t put me on my ass.”

“Like hell he doesn’t,” Charlie laughed. He pulled to a stop in front of a nozzle. “You’ve literally kissed the mats like every class.”

Breck opened his mouth, but then shut it and scowled. He couldn’t exactly argue. They—not to mention every other student that’d been present—had witnessed each of his ass-plants first hand. Which rankled, even now. Sure, Kai was several years older, and okay, yeah, was a grand fucking master of Taekwondo, but that didn’t change the fact that Breck didn’t appreciate always being shown up. Especially by the man he found so irresistible. It messed with his head to be so pissed off and yet so aroused. Wanting to tell the guy to kiss his ass—while fighting the urge to turn around and grab his ankles.

Seriously. Something was wrong with his brain.

“Aw, don’t sweat it, B.” Jegs grinned and cranked the water. “So he’s claimed you as his bitch. Just means he likes you.”

“What he likes,” Breck grated, stepping under the spray beside him, “is embarrassing me in front of others. I’m fucking over it.”

“Nah. Not embarrassing you,” Charlie countered, sudsing his head. “Just pulling you off of your throne.”

Breck frowned. “My throne?”

“Yeah, your highness. Your throne. The way you strut around that dojang? That’s his kingdom, not yours. He’s probably just trying to get that through your thick skull.”

Jegs nodded, lathering up. “Yup. Like I said, claiming his bitch.”

Charlie laughed.

Breck bristled. He was nobody’s bitch. “He’s just riding me harder than the rest of you for some fucked up reason.”

“Maybe the reason’s ’cause you suck,” Jegs razzed. “And Grandmaster Kai’s just giving you intensive training.”

Breck furrowed his brows. “I don’t suck.”

Charlie made a face. “Maybe a little.”

Breck shot him a glower.

“What?” Charlie laughed. “I’m just callin’ it like I see it. When you walk into that dojang, it’s like you’re instantly distracted. On edge or some weird shit. It’s totally obvious.”

Breck tensed.