“I drew the short straw. Have to set up the parkour obstacle course, and there’s a lot of mammoth shit, dude. I need your help.”


“Heading there now. Tournament’s at seven, so I’ve got less than an hour.”

Breck winced as he ambled down the sidewalk with Charlie and Jegs. “Shit, G, I can’t. On my way to Taekwondo. What about Goldie Locks?” Aka Jay. “Or maybe Mitchel?”

“Damniiiiiiit,” Ned groused. “Jay’s at swim meet. Tad’s got class. When the fuck’d you start takin’ martial arts?”

“Man, where’s your brain? I just told you guys last night while we were workin’ out, remember? Jegs roped me into it?”

Jegs beamed beside him proudly.

Charlie smirked and shook his head.

“Fuck balls,” Ned muttered. “I do remember that. You said I could wear your karate get-up to Friday night’s party.”

Breck’s lips quirked. “I did.” But his smile quickly ebbed. “Sorry, G. Wish I could help. I’ll stop by and cheer you on when this wraps up.”

“Thanks… Not that I’ll need it.” Just like that, Ned’s dour mood shifted. Breck could hear his best friend grinning. “I’m gonna crush it.”

“Get ‘em, tiger.”

Ned growled and hung up.

Breck pocketed his cell phone and rounded the bend.

Up ahead, the dojang waited just a couple of buildings down, shaded by those oaks on either side. They arrived and headed inside. Breck looked for Kai before he could stop himself. Couldn’t help it. The guy was serious eye candy. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found.

“Bring your notebooks to the mats,” the assistant at the counter instructed.

Yeah… about that. Breck hadn’t brought one.

They made for the locker room and, in no time, were headed back out. The second they emerged, Breck’s gaze cut to the right, where a small group of classmates stood shooting the shit with Mr. Eye Candy Kai.

Goddamn did he look fine, his thick arms folded as he sported his dobok.

Breck watched him inconspicuously as he headed for the mat.

Jegs grinned and nodded. “Oh, yeah. Time to Jackie the Chan all up in this place.”

Charlie laughed. “You do know his black belt was in hapkido, right?”

Jegs shot him a look. “Of course, I know. What do I look like, six and a half feet of stupid? He’smy guy. I know all. But they don’t teach hapkido here. Besides, Chan did learn Taekwondo in the past. And you know what else?” His grin spread wide. He waggled his brows. “He was part of a friend trio just like us. The Three Dragons.”

Breck stared at him.

He knew that look in Jegs’ eyes.

Charlie coughed out a laugh. “You are not callin’ us that.”

“Why not? Dragons are cool.”

Breck shoved his head. “We already have a name.”

Jegs laughed and shoved him back.

A heartbeat later, Grandmaster Kai turned to the class. “Cha ryuht. Attention.” He bent at the waist. “Kyung nae. Bow.” The classroom went quiet and quickly reciprocated. Kai straightened. “Ahnja. Sit. And open your notebooks to your notes.”