No such luck. Instead, Kai resumed his trek down Breck’s chest. Evidently, he had other plans, his fingers following the curvature of Breck’s ribs amidst the weave of smooth, soft ropes. Lower. Down to Breck’s abs. His stomach clenched instinctively. Kai thrummed, tracing every muscle. At times, he even slid his hands underneath the rope. As if wanting nothing more than to experience the tactile wonder of Breck’s hard-earned eight-pack.

Breck swallowed, hyper aware of every sensuous touch. Kai’s fingers were drugging, his breath on Breck’s nape only enhancing the effects. Making Breck yearn for the skim of Kai’s lips along his neck.

Kai continued lower, rumbling softly, the sound making Breck’s toes curl. Breck trembled, his abs dancing. Kai’s fingers were getting really close. Only a centimeter or two away from his crown. Breck’s knees shifted, his heart pounding faster. But then Kai’s hands dipped down to trace his Adonis belt. Breck’s boner jerked at the heady sensation, the jolt rubbing its head between those two pleasure knots. Bliss ignited, inundating his shaft. He stifled another moan. Or tried to, damn it. But no success with the angle of his jaw.

A dilemma he started to suspect was intentional, orchestrated by Kai because he wanted to hear Breck’s moans. Knowing that he’delicited them from Breck’s body and pulled them free. Breck flushed at the notion and tried not to think about it, even as his pulse raced and his dick strained for contact.

Kai’s hands dropped to Breck’s thighs. “I’m going to reposition these.” He gave them a squeeze, then gripped Breck’s knees and gently eased them apart.

Breck’s body vibrated in restless anticipation, his bound thighs spreading wider, then wider still, until it messed with his balance. Groin protesting, he redistributed his weight—then sucked in sharply. Aw, God. Those happy knots. Now they pressed even firmer against his asshole and taint. He clenched, unable to help it, which only made things worse. Now his boner and his prostate were wide awake.

“So limber,” Kai softly praised. One by one, he parked his feet between Breck’s thighs. His ankles like barricades against Breck’s knees, effectively keeping them apart.

Breck’s heart hammered warily. He felt vulnerable. Even more so than before. But then Kai’s hands started moving again, easing back toward his groin. All trepidation quickly vanished into the ether.

Yes, God… Just a little bit farther…

Kai paused just a centimeter away from his bulge.

Why?Why would he stop?

Breck bit his cheek.

But then Kai scooted closer and pressed his chest against Breck’s back. His heat was incredible, his firmness sublime. And, Jesus God, Breck could even feel Kai’s erection against his wrists. Breck inwardly moaned, then breathed a curse, drunk on pure proximity. On the feel of Kai’s body, all hot and muscular as it caged him in. He loved the nearness. Loved Kai pressing against him. His intoxicating scent—warm, sultry evergreen. The kiss of his breath.

But just as Breck eased and started melting against his body, Kai resumed his play—dragging his fingers up Breck’s inner thighs. Whisper-soft, making Breck shiver and gasp. Kai was nearly at his nuts. But then his hands dipped even lower. Breck sucked in a breath. Kai was headed for his taint. He braced for contact—then moaned as Kai’s fingertips found that rope and traced its path. Breck shivered and twitched, unable to control his body’s eager reaction. Kai all but growled, his rumble tickling Breck’s ear.

Oh, fuuuck. He was going to lose it.

But then Kai’s fingers moved to circle those knots. Unhurriedly, teasingly. Then applying pressure. Breck groaned, pleasure flaring behind his perineum. And no fucking joke, that knot at his backdoor felt like a thumb. His asshole clenched, squeezing around it. Wanting more.

Kai’s hands proceeded higher, roaming their way up the sides of his balls. No fondling along the way, though, to Breck’s disappointment. Just that tantalizing drag of fingers.

Breck shuddered at the sensation—and the fact that Kai was so close again to his cock. Would Kai touch him there, atop his jockstrap? Run his fingers along the underside of Breck’s length? God knew, he’d perused every other inch of Breck’s body. Would he stroke the silky head of his crown?

Do it, Breck thought, canting his hips. Please, Kai. Aw, God. Please touch me there.

But Kai didn’t. Instead, he just sighed—his breath tickling Breck’s neck—and leisurely headed back up. Along the web art that showcased Breck’s abs, then higher, toward all that intertwining rope encasing his chest.

Breck’s pulse leapt as Kai neared his pecs. Last time he’d navigated that region, he’d left Breck’s nipples high and dry. And yet, he couldn’t help wishing, praying, that they would finally get some action.

Over his ribcage, Kai’s fingers climbed.

Breck swallowed, muscles twitching.

Kai slowed. Then his mouth grazed Breck’s ear. Breck shivered. The anticipation of Kai’s touch was fucking killing him. A long, drawn-out moment followed. Eternity elapsing. Then finally, warm hands encircled his constricted pecs.

Breck groaned as heat suffused them.

“Yes,” Kai murmured. “If I were to play, I would definitely play with you here.”

Lightly, his fingers stroked the swollen muscles. Then his thumbs gently grazed those toys. Breck sucked in a breath. Just that one nudge sent pleasure splintering. Kai squeezed his pecs. Breck tamped down a moan. Or tried to, anyway.

Kai chuckled and kneaded some more. Breck arched his back, pushing those engorged muscles even snugger against Kai’s hands.

Kai purred. “Your body’s eager, Breck. Speaking loudly. Telling me it wants more.” He gave another squeeze. Breck groaned deep in his throat. Kai laughed against his ear, the sound sultry and soft. Breck’s eyes slid shut, savoring the sound. But then Kai brushed those toys. “I’m going to take these off.”


Breck’s heartbeat raced, his nipples throbbing.

“But be forewarned.” Kai’s timbre was husky. “It’s gonna get intense.”