Breck shivered, goosebumps flaring to life, Kai’s breath against his neck like some sensuous caress. But then his words abruptly registered in Breck’s brain. Kai was going to tie his pelvis? Oh, Jesus. He tensed, even as his dick twitched in eager anticipation.
Just the thought of Kai’s hands down there made him hornier than hell.
More sounds of rope unwinding, then Kai reached around Breck’s body with both hands from behind. His left grabbed the folded rope from his right. Breck closed his eyes, the feel of Kai’s arms around him like a flesh-and-blood aphrodisiac. How did this man get him going so worked up from just the slightest fucking contact?
The contact was gone just as quickly as it’d come. Kai pulled the rope across Breck’s hips, then rejoined both ends at the small of his back. Breck could feel him feeding one side through the loop, then pulling things snugger in a downward yank near the base of his spine.
Subtle tugs came next, as if Kai were fashioning a part of the rope away from Breck’s body. Breck tried to stay relaxed. A heartbeat later, Kai slid that rope underneath his ass. Breck tensed at the unexpected contact, Kai’s hand brushing his perineum as he fed the cord to Breck’s front. Tingles flared, exciting his junk. His boner kicked.
Kai moved around front and grabbed the rope from between Breck’s legs. “Gonna pull this snug now.” His tone had gone lower, his timbre sultry. And then that hemp cord started drawing taut. Breck swallowed as it made like a G-string and burrowed into his ass crack—but then an even more unexpected sensation arrived. That of a knot. One that had evidently been fashioned into that G-string and now was pressing against his hole. Breck clenched with a curse before he could stop himself. As Kai pulled the rope snugger, a second knot pressed against his taint, behind his balls. The double stimulation was something Breck hadn’t been prepared for. A moan slipped free as his hips canted in response.
Cheeks heating, he met Kai’s gaze.
Kai smiled wryly. “Happy knots. How do they feel?”
“Weird,” he rasped. “I guess? But kinda good.”
Kai’s lips quirked. “You’ll get used to them. Most consider them a treat.” He separated the rope and ran one length one up each side of Breck’s jock. Breck all but trembled as they grazed his nuts.
Kai secured the first rope to Breck’s makeshift waistband without any trouble. Just under his navel and off to Breck’s right. For the second, however, Kai had to navigate around Breck’s boner, its rigid, unyielding shaft straining to the left against his hip. Kai’s gaze hooded but he didn’t comment. Just pulled the cord up and to the side, along the bulge of Breck’s length.
Breck held his breath and clenched his teeth. All that contact was going to force out another moan. Kai secured the rope to that fashioned waistband, albeit much farther to the side than the first, but then inched that newest knot back toward Breck’s navel in the center. In essence, maneuvering his dick so it angled up instead of to the side.
Breck exhaled roughly. Sucked in another breath. God, the feel of that rope against his boner felt insane. Another inch or two, and his dick would be pointing due north— Breck stiffened as he realized something. His erection was definitely longer than the length of his jock. Which meant… Oh, shit… He braced as Kai inched that knot back to center. Then, just as Breck feared, the head of his dick pushed out the top of his jock.
Oh, fuck.
Breck bit his lip, instantly flushing.
Kai eyed their new predicament. “Hmm… Is that uncomfortable?”
Depends, Breck thought. Does mortification constitute as fucking uncomfortable? Not that he’d say that out loud. He still had his pride, even if only a little at this point. “It’s not painful,” he mumbled tightly, “if that’s what you’re asking.”
Kai met his gaze. “So, you’re okay with it?”
Damn, his voice had gone rough. The sound like a warm lazy lick of his tongue up and down Breck’s cock. Just like that, his level of arousal surpassed all embarrassment. Heart racing, he held Kai’s eyes and gave a restless nod.
Kai’s midnight gaze smoldered. He got back to work, securing that second rope in its final position. Which Breck quickly realized trapped his sensitized crown between those newest two knots. The implications had breath leaving him in a rush. Just the slightest shift of his hips and his crown would be rubbing against those knots, along with the rope to which they were fastened.
His dick pulsed in eager anticipation, even as his stomach twisted with anxious dread. As horny as Kai already had him, even the briefest bit of friction could put him over the edge.
Kai moved on to web up one side of Breck’s hip, every tug on the rope triggering contact with those knots up front and down below.
Swallowing, Breck stared at the ceiling and tried again to distract himself. “So, Shibari...” God, his voice sounded hoarse. “How’d you discover it? Surely your grandpa didn’t teach you this, too.”
“No,” Kai chuckled. “Although, I was introduced to it at his dojang. Some of Granddad’s assistants used to practice it on each other.”
Breck dropped his gaze to look at him. “Are you serious? They tied each other up… like this… at the dojang?”
Kai chuckled. “Well, not like this. Just arm ties and stuff. Remember, Shibari is just rope bondage. It’s not sexual unless one makes it so.”
“Oh. Right.” Breck muttered, lids dipping lower with every jostle of those knots.
“Anyway, they practiced on me a few times, too. I thought it was cool, so they taught me some techniques.” Kai’s lush lips curved. “And, God, I loved it. The expression. The creativity. So I explored it more on my own.” His fingers grazed Breck’s groin, then so did his rope as he pulled it through a junction.
Breck’s abdomen clenched, his boner twitching. He quickly cleared his throat. “So, how’d you get involved with this aspect of it then?”