“Alright,” Kai laughed. Scott’s expression was amusing. “We have a slight—albeit tense—history.” In truth, he wasn’t sure how much to say. What if Breck’s friends didn’t know he was bi? “He’s very competitive, even with his instructors. Didn’t appreciate my authority when he took my class. So, yeah,” he shrugged, “ever since, we’ve just sort of… I dunno… butted heads.” All truths. Just missing a few nuances.
Scott thought about that with a hmm, then looked away.
“Why?” Kai chuckled. “What’d you think was the deal?”
Scott smiled knowingly. “That there’s something going on between you two… Something that involves a different kind of tension.”
Kai kept his poker face nice and steady. Turned back to the painting. “I mean, he’s attractive, but come on. Not exactly my type.” He slid Scott a sidelong glance. “Besides… he’s straight.”
“Is he?” Scott asked.
Kai lifted a brow. “Isn’t he?”
“I dunno. I mean, with the vibes you two have been throwing, I’ve started to wonder.”
And of course, his suspicions were correct, it just wasn’t Kai’s place to either confirm nor deny. Not that he knew what Breck was thinking anyway. That kid was a hot fucking mess of testosterone and pride.
Kai’s gaze focused back on the watercolor. “Either way, it doesn’t matter. We’re not compatible.”
“Funny,” Scott chuckled humorlessly. “Some would say that about Max and Sean.”
“You think they do?”
“In their own way, absolutely.”
“But they’re not together.”
“No, but they should be.” Scott sighed. “They’re perfect for each other... Max just can’t see the obvious because of his past.”
Kai looked at him, a frown forming at his words. He too had been navigating his present via his past. Especially recently, as he compared a particular prospect to his ex-partner, Ryan. Chest tightening, he peered back at the painting. “Sometimes the past is our greatest teacher.”
“Maybe,” Scott countered. “But then sometimes it’s our greatest hindrance.”
Kai pocketed his hands and contemplated that. Scott stressed a good point, but he’d need some time to integrate it.
Scott didn’t push the envelope any further. Just reverted back to casual conversation. Not long after, he spotted the waitress with those coveted hors d’oeuvres. “Shit,” he blurted. “There she is.” He quickly turned to Kai. “You want some grub?”
“No,” Kai chuckled. “But Tad does. Don’t let her get away.”
“Right?” Scott laughed. “Meet you back at the bar?”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna head out.”
“Alright, man.” Scott clasped his palm. “Appreciate you coming. And despite his ornery front, I know Max does, too.”
Kai smiled and watched Scott bee-line for the waitress, then tentatively slid his gaze in the direction of the bar. One last glimpse, he told himself, then he’d call it a night. Just a quick stride down the corridor toward the entrance of the lounge. It’d take a minute, ninety seconds at most, to steal one last appreciative look at the guy.
Kai pursed his lips. No. No last glimpses. Breck was a temptation he didn’t need, their personalities like oil and water. Scratch that, like gasoline and fire. It didn’t matter that they were attracted to each other. Their fundamental energies just didn’t mix. As long as he kept looking Breck’s way, that fact would never sink in.
Exhaling, he headed for the exit, but just as he pushed through the doors, his feet stopped short. Outside, standing by the curb eyeing his phone, was none other than Breck.
Kai shook his head and nearly smiled. Well played, universe.
So much for avoiding temptation. Breck looked way too good, and was entirely too close, for him to possibly resist.
Besides, he told himself, an impromptu encounter might even prove to be beneficial. A chance to smooth out any lingering hard feelings from last month’s heated exchange.
Donning a smile, he made his way over. “We meet again.”