Breck blinked at the unexpected question. “No, I just—”
“Do I not have just as much right as anyone else to find a partner who fits me?”
Breck frowned. “I didn’t—”
“Or should I stay alone forever.”
Breck clenched his jaw. “Why’re you asking me this? Do whatever the fuck you want.”
Kai’s lashes hooded imperceptibly, his gaze dipping to Breck’s mouth. “I will. Although, it’s not like I have other prospects making themselves known to me at the moment.”
That was directed toward Breck. He was one hundred percent positive. Kai was calling him out on his behavior toward him. And in fairness, Kai was right. Breck had refused to give him any incentive. Any encouragement whatsoever to pursue him. Instead, he just kept throwing the guy shade, even though they both knew Breck was attracted to him.
Clearing his throat, he focused on getting the conversation back on track. “So, what’s the other reason there won’t be a second session?”
Kai glanced away. Gave another shrug. “Because we’re not a good match. I could tell after just a few minutes of working with him. I mean, he’s a great kid and all, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Honestly, he’s not even remotely my type.”
Breck regarded him, curiosity piqued. “Oh? And what exactly is your type?”
“Hmm… Taller… Darker…” Kai’s gaze dipped to Breck’s body. The tone of his voice went noticeably deeper. “With a bit more muscle.”
Breck’s heart thumped. He fit that bill perfectly.
Kai met his eyes. “So, what’s your type?”
Oh. Breck rubbed his nape. Looked around. “Um. I don’t really have one.”
“Everyone has a type.”
Yeah, but Breck didn’t want to say. Besides, he was pretty sure ‘Kai’ didn’t qualify as a ‘type.’ “Fine. Um… Petite and busty.”
Kai stared at him, then barked out a laugh.
“What,” Breck grated, scowling. “That’s my type. You wanted to know.”
“You know what I wanted to know, Breck. Don’t play stupid.”
Breck clenched his jaw. “I’m not—”
“What’s your type of man.”
He fidgeted.
Kai raised a brow. “You told me you were bi.”
“Yeah… I… am.”
“So? What’s your type?”
Ugh. Breck shrugged his shoulders stiffly. “Big? Strong? Athletic? I don’t really know… Never gave it much thought.”
Kai studied him curiously. “You don’t really know… Just how often do you swing?”
“Not often.”
“I see.”
Breck tensed. “No, you don’t. You don’t see shit.”