No denying hard proof.
Screw it. He’d only live once. And these were his college years, the time for experimenting.
He nodded against his pillow. “Okay. But go easy. I’ve never fuckin’ done this before.”
Socrates growled happily, like the horny drunk he was. “Gonna get you ready. Be right back. Don’t fucking move.”
His weight disappeared. Then so did Breck’s blanket.
Next thing Breck knew, his boxer briefs were down to his knees. His breath quickened.
“Lift your ass,” Socrates whispered. When Breck complied, Socrates shoved a pillow under his hips.
Breck tensed, seeing nothing in the darkness, yet with his ass propped up like that, he felt completely exposed. The sound of a condom wrapper tearing met his ears. Then the ripping of a second wrapper followed suit. Next thing he knew, a big warm hand gripped his hiked-up ass.
“Wish I could see you,” Socrates mumbled, giving a squeeze before parting Breck’s cheeks.
Breck’s whole body tensed.
Socrates stifled a laugh. “Bro, try to relax.”
Then just like that, a slippery finger slid inside his ass. Sharp pain ignited.
“Shit,” Breck hissed.
“Don’t clench.”
“Easier said than fucking done.”
Socrates kept going, sinking his finger deeper, then grazed a spot that shot pure bliss straight through Breck’s channel. His boner bucked. “Oh fuuuck…” he moaned.
“Yeah,” Socrates growled quietly. “How ‘bout you focus on that.”
Breck liked that plan. So that’s exactly what he did, fixating on that feeling as Socrates’ fingers slid in and out. The sensation grew stronger. His hips started to rock. Then a second finger entered him, all slippery and warm. More pain flared but was quickly drowned out. Overpowered by the pleasure inundating his ass.
He groaned and fisted his pillow, his dick harder than steel. Spread his knees and canted his hips. “Uh, fuck…”
Warm breath on his neck. “I think you’re ready.”
His heart lurched.
“Gonna use my dick now.” And then those fingers slid free.
Breck braced.
Socrates chuckled. “Don’t tense.”
Was he tensing?
Shit. He was totally tensing.
Breck muffled a laugh. And then he felt it. A lubed-up dick against his hole.
“I’m gonna go slow… But you can’t fuckin’ clench.”
Breck closed his eyes and willed his body to keep things loose.
Socrates pushed against his door.