“What are you doing?” he grunted irritably.

Across the room, Charlie sawed louder.

“I needed to see you,” his visitor rumbled.

Breck frowned in confusion. “Why?”

A moan. Then the guy rocked his hips.

Holy shit.

He was hard as a rock.

Breck swallowed and shifted beneath him. Even drunk, he could do the math. The mystery dude sprawled atop him had come for sex.

His heart shot to racing. And what do you know, his own dick responded in kind.

“Who are you?” he rasped.

Mystery man chuckled against his ear. “Try the bro you were staring at all night.” He growled and rocked his hips again. “Drove me fuckin’ crazy.”

Staring at? All night?

Breck hadn’t realized he’d been doing that. Sure, he’d stolen some glimpses of the guys once in a while, but otherwise, all the ogling went to the ladies. Or at least, he’d thought it had.

His brain churned. This dude was heavy. Most likely a varsity senior. And of those, the one he’d checked out the most was most definitely… Socrates. There was just something about him. Those eyes. That cut body. His wry smile. Those short, sexy dreads…

Mystery man snagged Breck’s ear between his teeth. “Let’s fuck,” he whispered with another grind.

Shit. Breck’s dick twitched. He sucked in a breath. Definitely Socrates. That motherfucker always cut straight to the point. Jesus. This couldn’t be happening. “Are you… serious?”

“Yessss,” the senior groaned. Lord. His breath reeked of beer. “I swear I won’t tell anyone… It’ll be our little secret…You just… make me so damn curious… Wanna know what it’s like.”

Join the club. Breck had wanted to know, too. Had been brooding over that initiation letdown for days.

What if this was just another prank?

No. Socrates was serious. Breck could feel the proof of that fact against his ass. Raging boners of those proportions, no man could fake.

Restlessly, Breck rocked his hips, so damn drunk and now so horny. “But Charlie,” he rasped.

Socrates stifled a laugh. “Can you not hear him? He won’t wake up.”

“And Jegs?”

“Passed out and snoring on the couch downstairs.”

Meaning the coast was officially clear.

Breck hesitated, mind whirling, heart hammering in his chest.

“C’mon. I know you want to,” his frat mate mumbled. “I remember how fast you agreed to it at initiation.” Dragging his lips along Breck’s nape, he slid a hand under the cover, then under Breck’s hip and gripped his dick.

Breck jerked.

Socrates purred, then gave a squeeze. “Shit, yeah… I knew it.”

Breck’s cheeks flared hot.