Not that he wouldn’t rather see him in no clothes at all.
He forced himself to look away. Just in time, as it were, to catch Tad smiling at Scott. For a second, anyway. Then his gaze slid to Kai, his warm hazels cooling as he studied the man. He didn’t like him with Scott, that much was obvious, but he also seemed kind of riveted by Kai’s alluring air.
Which Breck got. Kai’s vibe was strong. Too fucking strong.
Scott grinned. “Tad. Good to see you.”
The two bumped fists.
“Yeah, man. You guys hang out here a lot?”
“When Max wants to dance and Kai wants to drink.” Scott smirked a little. “Or both want to… you know… troll.”
Kai’s lips curved.
Breck narrowed his eyes.
“You guys have met Kai,” Scott went on, “but this is Max.”
Breck tipped his chin to the broody dude with the auburn hair, a guy he recognized as an instructor at Mason. The rest of his crew gave hellos as well. Except for Marcie, that crazy lush. She threw out a wave so big, her dunk ass nearly toppled out of the booth.
Breck shook his head, but then stiffened in alarm when Ned blurted, “Pull up some chairs, dudes! It’s Breck here’s birthday and the night’s still young.”
He was going to murder that pinhead in his sleep.
Jay chimed in. “Yeah! Join us! We’ll squeeze you in.” He kicked Breck’s foot. “Scoot over, brah! Need to make some room!”
Breck bristled, glowering daggers at the dickhole. He’d murder him, too. No way was he spending his birthday with Kai. He’d have to deal with a boner all night, while endeavoring to ignore the one guy he desperately wanted to ogle. God no, he was way too drunk and couldn’t deal with that shit.
Fortunately, Scott decided to pass. “Thanks, but I think we’re gonna go harass the bartenders.”
Tad sagged in what appeared to be relief.
Breck regarded him, but then sensed Kai’s gaze. He turned, and yup, Kai was eyeing him. All openly and shit, as if daring Breck to acknowledge him. To engage.
Breck’s will power instantly caved, as if Kai’s keen midnight eyes wielded some kind of heady compulsion. Trapped in his stare, Breck opened his mouth—
“Cool,” Tad replied to Scott. “Maybe we’ll catch up with you later.”
Breck swallowed and looked away, heart pounding. Just barely dodged that bullet. Had he initiated conversation, that might’ve prompted Kai to stay. Something Breck’s eyes wouldn’t have minded, sure. But the rest of him? With his friends looking on?
Yeah, thanks, but no.
Graciously, Scott took his leave and headed for the bar, his friend Max looking more than happy to do the same. Kai, however, lingered, as if waiting for something. Breck looked back at him. Kai graced him with a lawless grin, then inclined his head and stepped into the current of people heading to the bar.
Breck exhaled as he watched him go.
Across the table, Jay started laughing. “What the fuck is up with your ex-instructor, dude? I can’t decide if he wants to eat you or murder you in some alley.”
Ned snickered. “Shit. Or bend him over a couch.”
Tad shot Breck a look of curious surprise.
Great. Just fucking great.
Breck flipped off Jay and Ned. They were playing. He knew this. But he was drunk and, thanks to Kai, now freshly agitated.