“He went on that date with that Tori chick,” Jay offered. “Remember? Just a few weeks back.”

“Did he score?” Breck queried bluntly.

“I dunno… I didn’t ask.”

“Why not? You’re his best friend.” Ned shook his head. “Dude. You are slackin’ on the job.”

Jay scowled. “I never ask him about sex. I used to but… the poor guy gets all awkward. It’s not like with you two whore bags. Especially you, Ned. We can barely get your ass to shut up.”

Ned grinned proudly. “My conquests are many…” He paused and looked at Breck. “Which reminds me. What’s your total this month? Bet I got you beat.”

“So many, I forgot to count,” Breck drawled, ever amused by his best friend’s competitiveness. How they ended up in a boning competition, he had no fucking clue. But to Ned’s credit, he definitely had his share of devotees. Which Breck supposed shouldn’t be a surprise. Ned had the looks of an Adonis and, like Breck, kicked serious ass as an athlete. Breck would never have guessed, but evidently, parkour had an impressively large female fanbase.

“Bullshit,” Ned laughed. “You know. Spit it out, kingpin. How many?”

Breck sighed at the ridiculousness of this contest. “Um… Let’s see…”

He started counting on his fingers. Every weekend, they sought him out. After games, too. College hotties of every sort. Believe it or not, he graciously passed on most of them. Only the exceptionally gorgeous made the cut.

He dropped his hand. “Seven. Give or take.”

“Damn it.” Ned cursed. “So fucking close.”

Marcie shook her head. “You two are awful. What happened to saving it for someone special? Sex should mean something. Should hold value.” She turned and looked at Jay. “Don’t you think?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.” He nodded. “They degrade their little dicks. Although, now that you mention it,” he grinned and tugged her close, “I am feeling special right now. Let’s go make it mean something in Ned’s room.”

Marcie laughed and shoved him away, then tugged him right back and kissed him.

“I heard that.” Ned pinned them with a look. “FYI, I’ve yet to change my sheets since Gina had her wicked way with me last night.”

Marcie grimaced against Jay’s mouth. “Ew.”

Jay growled, unperturbed.

Breck chuckled and shook his head, then turned back to Ned. “So, Gina, huh? What was she? Number six?”

Ned grumbled, “Five.”

“Eh. You still have a few days left to catch up. Just make sure you carve out time for my games tomorrow and Saturday.”

“Don’t forget Friday,” Marcie chimed in. “Breck’s birthday party, remember?” She wiggled excitedly. “Club hopping. This girl’s ready to dance.”

“Oooh, that’s right.” Jay perked up, grinning. “We’re gonna get you so wasted, Breck. Who’s designated driver—Not it!”

“Not it!” Marcie chirped.

Breck chuckled and looked over at Ned. “Tad drove us last time.”

Ned scowled. “Motherfucker.” He whacked the puck toward Breck’s goal. “Fine. While you’re all inebriated and slurring, I’ll be scoring me a bushel of bunnies.”

Breck grinned, blocking the puck, and shook his head. Because Ned would score. Their pretty boy was just too attractive to leave empty-handed. Although, Breck would probably score his fair share, too. It’d be his birthday, after all. And what kind of birthday would it be without a present to unwrap?

Abruptly, his thoughts reverted back to Kai.

He honestly still couldn’t believe he’d seen him earlier. Just like always, Kai had gripped his full attention. Breck’s stomach clenched. God, he’d looked incredible. But then he’d opened his mouth and sent Breck scrambling into defense mode. Kai knew his reason for dropping his class had been a lie. Breck had seen it in his eyes. And yet, to his surprise, Kai had let it go.

Had taken the high road.