Three more months.

It could happen. It could.

And Breck was definitely rooting for him, considering his own secret tastes.

Ned slid him a smirk, then turned his blue eyes to Tad. “Kickboxing? Can we come, too?”

“Fuck that,” Jay objected, determined to stay the course. “I’m done working out.” He turned and frowned at Tad. “And who’s this buddy of yours?”

Tad stiffened. “Just a dude I know that works here.”

Wow. Now he looked nervous.

Breck grinned, both curious and amused. “Does dude have a name?”

Tad tamped a small, awkward laugh. “Yeah... But you guys don’t know him.”

“Well, we can certainly remedy that!” Ned turned around and headed back, a bounce in his step. “I’ve totally been meaning to check out that class. C’mon. Let’s walk him over.”

Breck fought a smile. This should be interesting. “Whatever.”

“Seriously?” Tad groused. “You guys do not have to walk me over. Geez. What am I, five?”

“Oh, shut it, boxer boy,” Jay grumbled. “The sooner Ned gets his little peek, the sooner I get my beer.”

Yup. Aside from Breck, no one in their foursome loved his alcohol more than Jay. In this one thing, he and Goldie Locks were very much alike.

They climbed the central staircase to the second floor. Breck peered around at all the large glass-fronted classrooms.

Tad took a few steps forward, then paused, his expression suddenly anxious. “Alright, guys. You’ve delivered me safe and sound. I’ve got my blankie and juice box, so I should be good to go.”

As if Ned would let him off that easily.

“Dude. Don’t be such an asshat. Introduce us to your friend.” Ned flashed Tad his hundred-watt smile. “Then ask if I can sit in, too.”

Tad didn’t look thrilled. “Don’t you all have places to be? Beers to drink? Livers to damage?”

Breck grinned. “Coach makes us take herbal supplements. So my liver’s good.” Heh. Tad wouldn’t be shaking him off that easily, either.

Jay snorted a laugh. “Herbal supplements, my ass.”

Breck shot him a glare. He knew what Jay was implying. The dumbass insinuated it all the time. “I told you, Goldie Locks. I don’t take steroids.”

“Right. And my longboard’s made of solid gold.”

“Yo, fucknuts. Quit your yappin’ and let’s go.” Ned eyed the classrooms. “Alright, Mitchel, which one is yours?”

Tad hesitated, his demeanor tense, but finally gestured with his chin. “That one.”

Jay followed his gaze. “Whoa.” He gaped. “Those dudes standing outside the door are freaking ripped. Is one of them your boy?”

“Uh… yeah.” Tad’s voice sounded tight. “Guy in the shorts. I don’t know the other one.”

Breck followed their gazes to the two men casually talking—then instantly went taut. “Aw, fuck. I do.”

He couldn’t believe it. Kai? Seriously? What were the odds?

His friends turned and looked at him.