“Who’s that?” Breck asked, slowing his gait.

Ned decelerated, too, still eyeing the girl. “Um. A chick from, uh, one of my classes.”

“You know her personally?”

Ned shook his head. “No. Not really.”

Breck frowned and peered around. Sexy women in spandex were everywhere… but Ned was eyeing the one in a tee shirt and shorts? Evidently, he was expanding his horizons. Not that he needed to. Pretty Boy all but scored just as much as Breck.

Breck studied her, intrigued. It wasn’t that she was ugly. She was definitely attractive, but just in a different sort of—

He stilled as a guy sauntered by with his duffle bag. Breck couldn’t see his face, and yet… his height, those big broad shoulders, and that little black ponytail instantly reminded him of a certain instructor. The one he still had bumping around in his stupid head.


Breck ditched his class four months ago, after getting way too physical with him on the mats. Even now, he had no idea what he’d been thinking—nor had he ever determined if Kai had been messing with him or not. He’d have said yes, had it not been for Kai’s boner. An element that, to this day, still left Breck utterly perplexed.

Had Kai wanted to embarrass him, or had his ‘This is what you consider the nothing else that I do to you?’ question been posed for a different purpose? Like maybe to break through those big, fat barriers of testosterone they’d erected between each other? In Breck’s defense, those walls had been created out of necessity. Unfortunately, they also tended to muddy the waters, making it a whole lot harder to discern what was actually real.

Whatever. He’d decided to never engage Kai again. Everything about their situation messed with his brain too much. And with basketball season on the cusp of starting, he’d needed his total focus designated to the court. Which wouldn’t have been possible had Kai remained in his purview. Half of that focus would’ve been detoured to Breck’s dick.

Ned dragged his gaze from that girl and shook his head. “Sorry, uh…” His expression looked strange. “There’s just something about her… Can’t put my finger on it… So weird.”

Breck eyed him wryly. “Like you’ve ever cared about putting your finger on it. Just your dick. And preferably in it. Tell me I’m wrong.”

Ned laughed. “Not wrong.”

They headed into the locker room. After a few minutes in the shower, the four emerged with towel-wrapped hips and moved to getting dressed. Breck glanced Tad’s way, sensing a shift in his demeanor. Subtle, but noticeable. Like he was restless all of a sudden. Or maybe impatient, if the way he kept glancing at the time was any indication.

For what, though? To get drunk? Breck kind of doubted it. Tad wasn’t a lush like him and Jay.

Shoving into his track pants and Patriots hoodie, Breck grabbed his duffle bag.

“So, my place, yeah?” Ned confirmed as their posse headed for the exit. “Roomie’s outta town. Not back until Thursday.”

Breck nodded alongside the rest of them, more than happy for the reprieve. He could only take so much of his frat house. The place was crazy. A twenty-four-hour party seven days a week. It made him appreciate the times with his besties all the more. All those moments when he could finally relax. Decompress. Unwind. Away from the ruckus of his fraternity. Forgetting the stresses of college, the demands of basketball, and his dad’s incessant hounding.

“Yeah, but gotta hit the corner store first.” Jay never forgot the important stuff. Beer. In large quantities. Breck could hear it in his tone. Jay was chomping at the bit to get shit-faced and chill. In truth, Breck was more than ready to pound some cold ones as well.

They ambled into the corridor and headed for the lobby. Breck smiled. Wouldn’t be long now. He could damn near taste the barley and hops. That first, cold, refreshing swig as it slid down his throat.

But just as the glass doors up ahead came into view, Tad eyed the time again and put on the brakes. “You know what? You guys go ahead. I think I’m gonna pass on the morning hangover.”

Breck blinked. Tad was bailing? Again?

He never used to ditch. But this would make it three times in the last month and a half.

“Dude.” Jay shook his head. “You know I make a primo Red Eye. I’ll hook you up with a mean one bright and early.”

Breck tamped back a laugh. He remembered the last time Tad tried one of Jay’s Red Eyes. He’d turned an entire shade greener than he already was.

Right on cue, Tad made a face. “As enticing as that sounds, I’m still gonna have to pass.” He looked uneasy, but it didn’t seem related to the memory of Jay’s torture-in-a-glass. He cleared his throat and gestured back toward the stairs. “Besides… I told a buddy of mine I’d sit in on his kickboxing class.”

Breck’s brows shot high. He traded looks with Ned. In perfect unison, they started doing the math. Tad never kept other friends on the downlow. What’s more, for the last several years, he’d been throwing vibes. Subtle ones that just might suggest he wasn’t entirely straight.

Not too long ago, when just the two of them had been drinking, Breck and Ned had even made a bet. Not on whether or not Tad was gay, though. They’d skipped that shit, and went straight for when their boy would finally score some dick. Ned said never. That Tad was too shy. That hell would freeze over before he’d ever ‘don his chaps and mount the bronco.’

Breck, however, sensed an ember in Tad. One that, if fanned, just might actually catch flame. Tad’s spirit was fierce, after all. He’d proven that in spades. Every time he took Breck down with a wrestling move. So, with that in mind, he’d given his friend till the end of senior year.