Kai growled softly and rolled them over, pinning his body.
Aw, God. Breck stifled a moan. The feel of Kai’s weight just made things ten times fucking worse. His heart raced faster. “Dude... Get off me.”
Kai tamped a laugh, light dancing in his eyes. “You’re the one who tackled me. With another move, I might add, that wasn’t Taekwondo.”
“I wasn’t thinking,” Breck blurted. “You just… frustrate me so bad.”
“I’ve noticed,” Kai muttered, his lips just inches from Breck’s mouth. Imperceptibly, he rocked his hips. “What else do I do to you?”
He was referring to Breck’s erection.
Breck searched his face. Was he pissed? Disgusted? Odds were, he wasn’t into guys. In Breck’s defense, he’d always intended to appreciate the view from afar. Not announce his obsession with the guy by boner-poking him.
He shook his head, weakly clearing his throat. “Nothing.” And still, his gaze dipped down to Kai’s mouth. Their lips were so close. His heart hammered. Did he want them closer?
Kai smiled a little, then rolled them over, putting Breck’s body back on top.
The feel of Kai beneath him again shorted out his brain.
His pulse sped up.
Then his hard-on nudged Kai’s abs.
Breck inhaled sharply. Kai rumbled a purr.
Breck met his gaze, surprised. Fuck, those eyes. So dark and seductive—and ridiculously potent at such intimate range. He swallowed. In the back of his awareness, a restless voice barked for him to stop and get up. He didn’t want to, though. Despite everything, he didn’t want to.
But that insistent fucking voice just wouldn’t shut the fuck up.
Breathing a curse, he planted his hands beside Kai’s head, but just as he readied to lift his body, Kai palmed his hips. Those midnight eyes met his, and just like that, Breck’s fucking brain short-circuited all over again. Before he could stop himself, he pressed his pelvis into Kai’s crotch.
Kai’s lips parted, his lashes hooding. He gripped Breck tighter. Then, ever so slowly, he rocked his pelvis, too.
Oh, God. Breck stifled a moan.
He wasn’t the only one sporting wood.
Which meant… Grandmaster Kai was into guys.
Breck’s dick bucked at the fucktacular news.
This certainly shed new light on the guy he was currently in lust with.
His body thrummed. It’d been so long since he’d been with a man. Who better to end his drought with than—
Wait. No.
God, he didn’t even like Kai. The guy was an asshole who constantly loved to show him up.
Besides, someone could see them through the windows. Way too big of a risk, even if he did want the man.
Body protesting, he told his dick to stand down, then resolved yet again to get his dumbass off the mat. But then Kai parted his thighs beneath him and drew up his knees. Breck’s hips sank into the cradle of his pelvis, their erections pressing closer. He groaned, eyes sliding closed, all intentions to stop just kind of flying out the window.
Risks? What risks?
He wanted Kai.
Quite possibly more than he’d ever wanted anyone in his life.