Breck faced-off with Jegs again, ramped and ready to go. Smirking, he raised his fists. “You’re blocking, Chan.”

Jegs grinned. “Bring it, playmaker.”

“Gamhan. Stop.”

Breck peered over his shoulder. “Grandmaster.”

Kai eyed them both. “Always bow to your partner.”

Breck and Jegs swapped looks.

“Right,” Breck muttered. “Forgot.” But just as he moved to give his buddy a ninety-degree body solute, Kai shook his head. “No. You’ll spar with me.”

Breck stilled.

Kai gestured for Charlie to join Jegs. “You two work together today. Bow.”

Breck watched his friends comply, then slid his gaze back to Kai.

Kai smiled, and damn, that smile was hot.

Both bowed.

“You wanted to work on punches,” Kai prompted, “so I’ll block.”

Breck’s heart sped up, watching him assume position.

He was sparring with the master.

Who was badass at this shit.

He glanced around.

People were watching. Lots of people.

Just fucking great.

Clearing his throat, he fell into position, too. “Okay.” He threw out a straight punch, then a double.

Kai blocked both. “Gamhan. Stop.”

Breck frowned. “Why? What’s wrong?”

“You’re not rotating your fists.”

Kai stepped close and gripped Breck’s punching arm with one hand, its fist with his other. Breck tensed at the contact, warm tingles sweeping through his body.

Kai moved his elbow back, then turned his fist bottom-side up. “Keep it this way,” he murmured. “Don’t swivel your wrist until the end.”

Breck nodded, transfixed by their close proximity.

Kai moved his arm through the punch in super-slow motion. “You see? It stays upturned until the moment of impact.”

Damn. His voice. Like warm, lush velvet. Breck could all but feel it sliding over his sensitive skin.

But then the sound of distant murmurings stole his attention. Peering around, he spotted even more people watching. He pulled his arm away, “Okay, whatever,” and tersely stepped back. “What’s it matter anyway? A punch is a punch.”

“Well, for one,” Kai resumed his stance. “If you turn your fist too soon, it throws out your elbow and exposes your ribcage.”