Remi smiled. “That you’ll stick around and enjoy your labors with me. Doesn’t taking advantage of your helpless captive sound incredibly fun?”
Kai grinned and crossed his arms. Remi was incorrigible. But he was also well aware of Kai’s MO. He didn’t get sexual with his models. He kept things professional. A standard he maintained that virtually everyone at The District knew. And yet, from time to time, a few of his models still gave it a shot. Optimistic, yet wholly futile.
Sorry, Remi. Not today.
Inclining his head, he declined politely. “I appreciate your offer, but I like to remain undistracted so I can monitor the class and ensure everyone’s safety. You understand.” Which wasn’t to say he didn’t have alternatives to offer his models as consolation. After all, they were helping him out, and he was all about maintaining the balance. Kai smiled. “How about one of them?”
He gestured to the crowd congregated outside the classroom door. Those who had come to learn how things played out at this stage of the game. If Kai’s models desired, they could choose a ‘substitute’ and still have their fun once instruction was over.
Remi’s initial look of disappointment quickly faded as he perused his unexpected options. Delectable cuts of choice young men. Virile, middle-aged stags. Even some finely-aged silver foxes. Kai could all but hear Remi’s heart rate eagerly accelerating.
“How to choose?” he breathed, drinking in the assortment. “May I pick two? Or three?”
Kai’s shoulders bounced. “Sorry. One’s the stipulation to my offer. If I allowed you more, then I’d have to extend the same to everyone else.”
“And that’d be bad, why?” Remi whimpered softly.
Kai grinned and shook his head.
Remi sighed, resigned. But then slowly smiled. “Mr. Black Leather Vest. With the goatee and neck ink, and those yummy daddy vibes.”
Kai’s lips twitched. “And so it is.” He headed to the entrance and gave Mr. Black Vest the cue to come inside. The large man beamed as the rest loosed sounds of disappointment. Kai shrugged with a smirk, and then he was off to check the rig jobs of his students. Nerve damage was real, after all, and absolutely no one was accruing injuries on his watch.
Once finished, he headed to the room’s built-in sound system and kicked on some tunes. Before long, the steam levels started to spike. Moans and gasps. Husky chuckles. Restless curses. And as Kai settled in for another long night of self-imposed voyeurism, he couldn’t help thinking about Breck again and wondering what he was up to. No doubt by now, he was fully intoxicated. Out on the town with his friends in celebration of graduation.
Kai sighed and crossed his arms.
Breck was young. Too young.
He should definitely think about something else.
Easier said than done at the moment, with reminders everywhere he looked.