Breck tensed even tighter. “How ‘bout you kiss my—”

“Breck.” Kai laughed again. “I’m just playing. Relax.”

Breck scowled. Fine. So, Kai was just playing. Thing was, he was doing it with valid points. For the majority of Breck’s college life, he had been a whore. Kai’s comment was just calling him out on the truth. At least Kai didn’t appear to be holding that little truth against him.

Breck sighed and forced his muscles to ease. He didn’t want to be angry right now. He felt too good with all those post-o endorphins still pumping through in his veins.

“Anyway,” Kai continued, “it’s just unfortunate.”

“What is?”

“That you can’t do ‘that kind of thing’.”

“Why?” Breck peered over his shoulder. “Why do you say that?”

Kai pulled another knot apart. “Because now that you’re broken in, I could use a guy like you in the classroom setting.”

“You mean, as your rope model… at that District place?”


Breck tamped a humorless chuckle. “Yeah, nope. No way.”

“I understand.”

And didn’t those two words totally suck. Because in another fucking life he’d absolutely love to be Kai’s model.

“Although…” Kai casually tacked on. Had his timbre dipped?

Breck’s heart thumped. “Although, what?”

“You could still assist me… Like this… In private.”

“To help you practice, you mean?”

“Yes. Before classes and shows.”

Breck’s pulse picked up speed. That prospect held promise. And could prove amazing. Being bound hadn’t been so bad. And it’d give him a reason to interact with Kai more. He shifted his weight. Didn’t want to seem too eager. “Um… Hmm… I dunno. How often would you need me?”

“Several times a month.”

Nice. “Oh.” Keep it casual. “When’s your next gig?”

“Next week. An exhibition.”

Breck’s heart raced faster. Could he? Should he? A part of him definitely wanted to. But another part warned of inadvertent consequences. What if they got closer? What if he fell for the guy? It wasn’t like he could ever date Kai. His roadmap to stardom didn’t have allowances for that. And yet, this opportunity felt too good to pass up.

He cleared his throat. “Um. That might be possible. I don’t leave for Hawaii for another two weeks.”

“How ‘bout you think on it.”

“Okay. I will.”

Kai moved to Breck’s wrists. The ropes relinquished their hold. “All free,” he murmured wryly. “Such a shame.”

Breck grinned and dropped his arms. Blood flow resumed. He moaned at the sensation. Rolled his shoulders. Stretched his arms across his chest.

Kai watched him quietly. “Good?”