And yet, his hand stayed possessively splayed along Breck’s jaw.
What did that mean? Was he still deciding? Trying to get a bead on Breck’s oscillating vibe?
Ultimately, Kai eased away, even as his thumb stroked Breck’s lower lip. “In another life… if you were my partner…” his murmur was wistful, “we’d have indescribable fun.”
Breck frowned. If that was another compliment, he didn’t like it. Like, not at all. The only thing it inferred was what they weren’t, and would never be.
Not that he wanted to be Kai’s man. But what if he did? Kai’s statement merely underscored how that would never be in his cards. Not with his career path. Or this life he chose.
But God, the prospect of him and Kai… Having fun little trysts like this downlow on the reg? He’d be totally on board with that. Sure, Kai was exasperating, and sometimes even infuriating. But he also had this exciting allure. This way about him that always got Breck’s heart racing at the drop of a hat.
He exhaled and turned his head. In another life…
Kai dropped his hand and helped him upright. “Time to untie you.” He unfolded Breck from his arms, then rose to his feet. “I’ll be right back.”
Breck frowned, feeling instantly cold, his ears detecting Kai’s footfalls as he headed into the kitchen. A drawer opened and closed. Kai returned a moment later. Breck sensed him squatting down, in front of him this time. Briefly felt his breath…
His blindfold vanished. Breck blinked his eyes. So bright.
Kai’s face came into focus. He smiled warmly. “Welcome back.”
Goddamn, what a sight. Breck’s lips curved. “You certainly took me for a ride.”
Kai’s eyes glittered. “Do you regret your decision to let me?”
God, no.
Yet still Breck looked away. He could feel his cum cooling on his chest.
Kai took his chin and turned it back to face him. “Hey. You were perfect today.”
Breck’s heart thumped as he met his gaze. And then he saw it. A light in Kai’s eyes. One that said Breck’s little debacle had been… collaborative.
His lips parted. “You meant to do that. To make me come.” Kai’s cache of talents was even vaster than he thought.
Kai shrugged, wiping Breck’s chest with a towel, removing all evidence of his most recent success. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure if you would.”
“What do you mean?”
“Only some people can.”
Breck thought about that. “So, what’s that make me? Abnormally special?”
A smile tugged at Kai’s lips. “Abnormally special indeed.”
Setting the towel aside, he got busy freeing Breck’s legs, then moved to the rope around his hips. Thankfully, Breck’s dick had gone down. He watched Kai work with hooded eyes. Even now, he relished the touch of his expert fingers. Short moments later, he’d unwound the pelvic area completely—including what Breck considered the most prominent part. He’d tensed, holding his breath, as Kai eased the G-string free, those ridiculous knots giving his junk one last frisky goodbye.
Kai’s lips twitched as he set it aside. “Alright. Time to stand.” He gripped Breck’s arm and gingerly helped him get up.
Circulation tore back into business.
Breck grimaced. “Holy shit. My fuckin’ knees.”
Kai chuckled. “Give them a minute.”
Breck groaned with a nod.
Kai moved to his back and started untying his torso. Circling his body, again and again, undoing his magic. Leaving lines like lingering shadows across his abs and ribcage. Like some Shibari version of graffiti, announcing, We were here. All proud and boastful and shit that they’d detained him.