Breck nodded. “On Brenswick.”

“Across from the coffee shop,” Charlie added.

Jegs’ gaze lit up bright. “Let’s do it.”

“Let’s?” Breck coughed. “Chan’s not my boyfriend.”

“Mine, either,” Charlie laughed.

“Besides,” Breck grinned and shrugged smugly, “I already know how to fight. Just put a fucker on his ass last week.”

“That was great,” Reggie chuckled.

“Boring,” Jegs countered. “So you punched him. Big deal. This class’ll make us kung fu gods.”

“Yeah, but see, that’d be overkill.” Breck’s lips curved higher. “I’m already the king.”

Charlie laughed. “True that. A king with a harem. No more limelight for you.”

“Come on,” Jegs persisted, tossing Charlie’s words in his face. “As a show of solidarity.”

Charlie coughed another laugh, then scrubbed his face. “You’re a bastard. Fine. I’m in. But only ‘cause I got you inked.” He and Jegs looked at Breck.

Breck scowled.

Reggie snickered. “Gotta do it now, G. That’s two against one.”

“Goddamn it,” Breck groaned. Reluctantly, he nodded.

“Yes!” Jegs punched the air, then grimaced. “Ow. My head.”

“I’ll give ‘em a call,” Charlie offered. “The sign said classes start soon.”

“Awesome.” Breck slid his gaze to Reggie and muttered, “When it’s over, I’m coming to test my skills on you.”

* * * *

“Haha… Alright, my bitches.” Jegs rubbed his hands together. “You ready to learn the ways of the Master?”

They stopped in front of the martial arts building, having footed the two-block walk from their house.

Breck eyed the place. It’d been a week since he’d agreed to do this.

Charlie laughed and shook his head. “This is not gonna end well. Seriously, Breck, kick Jegs’ ass for talking us into this shit.”

Breck cut him a look. “I ain’t your sic dog.” He looked back and frowned. “But don’t tempt me.” He could be getting laid right now.

He studied the facility as they stood out on the sidewalk. An imposing two-story building, flanked on both sides by even larger oaks. Brick exterior with tall, arched windows. Sparse trimming. A large black sign that read, Dojang - Taekwondo.

“Taekwondo?” He glanced at Charlie. “Thought you saidJujitsu.”

Charlie shrugged. “Is there a difference?”

“Yes,” Jegs chastised, sounding disgusted. “Jujitsu’s Japanese. Close combat. Lots of grappling. Taekwondo is Korean. Kinda like kickboxing.”

Breck liked the sound of that. Grappling was more his friend Tad’s style. The former wrestling captain could take down the best of them. Including Breck.

“Eh. Whatever.” Charlie didn’t seem impressed.