Kai stilled. “Only one?” His tone sounded surprised.
But also, softer.
Breck’s cheeks flamed red hot. “I’ve been busy, okay? Cut me a break.”
“Not too busy for the ladies.”
“Fine... I’ve been… playing it safe.”
“I understand.” Not the slightest hint of condemnation. “You’re practically a celebrity at Mason. I can only imagine.”
Breck exhaled. Nodded. Kai did understand.
Kai’s lips grazed his ear again. “I’m glad you’ve come back out to play. You’ve certainly earned it.”
Breck’s heart thumped at his words. An acknowledgement he hadn’t realized he’d needed to hear. Because he had earned it, damn it. He’d busted his ass. For as long as he could remember. He deserved a breather. A break. And this indulgence. At least, until life got back to serious. It’d be draft night before too long. If things went well, it’d be full steam ahead. Packed up and headed for the NBA. Back in the public eye 24/7.
He eased against Kai’s chest, breathing in his scent, enveloping himself in his heat. “Thanks,” he murmured. “I think so, too.”
Kai’s fingers got back to toying. Twisting and rolling.
Another rush of pleasure. “Shit,” Breck gasped, fresh current assailing him from his nipples down to his straining dick. He thrust inside the cage of Kai’s legs. Oh, God. Those knots. His asshole clenched. His boner howled, shudders rocking through his frame. Stoking him hotter. Coiling him tighter.
Restlessly, he squirmed in Kai’s hold, then turned and pressed his panting lips against Kai’s cheek. Holy shit, he was unraveling. And Kai could hear him. Could see and feel his body all but coming undone. From nothing more than Kai’s talented fingers as they fondled his chest.
Humiliation threatened. His heart pounded faster.
Kai’s growl was velvet. “Tell me, jeja, what am I teaching you now?”
Breck swallowed, body twitching. “That you’re driving me crazy.” His mouth brushed Kai’s stubble, which only made things worse. “That if you— keep on— fucking doing that shit— I’m gonna— seriously lose it.”
Kai paused and turned his head to face Breck’s. “What a prospect.” A whisper of lips over Breck’s mouth. “One I’d like to see. I hope you’re not implying that you want me to stop.”
Breck trembled. Hell no, he wasn’t implying that. Kai’s touch felt amazing. He never wanted it to end. But just as intently, he didn’t want to embarrass himself. To outright orgasm without any contact to his dick. Kai had barely even touched it once, and yet here Breck was, precariously skirting the edge. Like his nipples—and this magical man—were conspiring against him.
Now that Kai had stopped, he tried to steady his breathing. “No— I mean— Fuck. I don’t think so.” Jesus. He sounded like a sputtering fool.
“Good,” Kai rumbled softly. His playing resumed. Rolling and tugging. With what felt like his thumbs and middle fingers this time. Breck’s lashes fluttered, his reeling frame back to blissing. But then Kai switched to rubbing the tops of his sensitive peaks. Back and forth with the pad of his index finger. Nerve endings ignited with blinding force, lancing into his groin.
He arched. Another moan escaping. The loudest yet. All strained and urgent and rough.
Kai kept on going. The pleasure strengthened. Expanding. Making his toes and fingers curl. Every muscle clench.
“Shit—” he gasped. His dick was getting ready. He could feel his nut sac balling, beginning its climb up the root of his shaft. His abs danced. His hips gave a kick. He couldn’t have stopped them if his life had depended on it. They were on auto pilot now, with a mind of their own. Submitting to that animalistic need to thrust. Which, in response, set off those happy knots. His taint went wild, his backdoor urgently squeezing. All clamping around what felt like Kai’s thumb trying to breach his hole. A sentiment that seriously exasperated his problem.
Breck writhed in his binds, his breaths coming faster. His head shifting restlessly atop Kai’s shoulder, his bound knees twitching against Kai’s heels.
He couldn’t believe this. This predicament he was in. This feverish conflict between his body and soul. One wanting desperately to finally detonate, the other fiercely grappling not to blow. What was wrong with him? He’d never fought not to come. What kind of head fuck had Kai inflicted on him now?
Not that it mattered. His body was winning the battle.
He started to shake. His eyes squeezed shut. “Oh, fuck—” His hips thrust faster. Couldn’t help it. And Jesus, the friction of those knots against his crown. His boner howled as precum seeped down his cock.
So fucking close. Ensnared in a full-body writhe.
And still those terrible, amazing fingers kept on doing their thing.
How could such tiny little bundles of nerves wield such powerful strength?