“Hmm… Someone’s ticklish.”

Kai relented and skimmed his fingers back up Breck’s ass. Breck’s mind and body swam in response. And yet, even as those fingers meandered, they still somehow felt inexplicably focused. As if absorbing every curve, every nuance. Every muscle group in his lower back and along his lats.

Kai’s focus moved to Breck’s tightly bound forearms. Meticulously, he traced every knuckle and finger in Breck’s hands. They flexed, then balled into fist at his touch. Breck marveled at how Kai had managed to turn even his hands uber-sensitive.

Kai rounded his elbows, exploring Breck’s biceps, then moved to his shoulder blades. Warm palms spanned their widths, then two big thumbs traced the valley in between.

Breck shivered. Kai’s touch felt amazing. He closed his eyes—then moaned as Kai moved up and worked his traps. Massaging and kneading his shoulders. Pushing his thumbs into all the right spots.

“You’re wound tight, jeja,” Kai quietly observed.

Breck floated along in heaven. “I’ve had a lot on my plate.”

“Hmm.” Kai continued kneading.

Every knotted muscle yielded. Breck groaned in response. He hadn’t realized just how tense he’d been. His head dropped forward. “That feels great.”

“Shhh…” Kai reminded him quietly. He moved up Breck’s neck, then using his fingertips, gently massaged his head.

Fuck, Breck liked the way this man operated.

Blunt nails grazed his scalp. His lashes fluttered on a moan.

But then those strong, warm, heavenly hands were moving onward. One slid under Breck’s jaw and tilted it upward. The other curled around his throat. The hold felt possessive. Dominating. A gesture of control.

Breck’s heart lurched as his boner went wild. Like Kai’s hand around his throat got it all crazy excited. Which, again, made no sense at all. He was helpless. Unable to move. Under Kai’s control and at his total mercy. Yet, for some inconceivable reason, that very notion seemed to light him up. But why? In every other situation, he was the leader. He was the one in charge. It’s how he rolled. Just the way his brain had always been wired.

And he liked it that way.

Yet now… Now he found himself questioning that. Was there a side of him that actually relished the prospect of letting another person take the wheel for a change?

Still holding his jaw, Kai murmured, “Keep your head tilted back.”

Breck’s heart thumped. “Why?”

“Because I told you to.”

Breck scowled, but then remembered he’d agreed to go with the flow.

Exhaling, he nodded.

“Good, jeja.” Kai’s tone sounded pleased.

Ten fingertips dragged down Breck’s throat, from top to bottom. Again and again. Kai added his nails, all smooth and blunt. Breck’s eyes rolled back. He felt like a cat, needing to loose a purr, the sensation exquisite. Instead, he stifled a moan.

Or tried to, anyway. Although, it didn’t quite work. Not with his head tipped back and his mouth ajar. The sound just sort of slipped right out. And was less than quiet.

Kai chuckled. “You like to be petted.”

And fucking how.

Already, Kai was teaching him something new. About himself. Up until now, he’d assumed this kind of contact was only good for his dick.

Kai glided lower, over Breck’s collarbone toward his chest. Breck’s pecs thrummed in their confines. As did his nipples, pulled taut and throbbing to the beat of his heart.

Kai’s hands closed around the thick muscles, lightly giving them a squeeze. Breck shifted with a groan. God, his skin. So impossibly sensitive. Then Kai traced the base of those toys with his fingertips. Breck shivered, unable to help it. But then Kai gave them a gentle flick. Breck jerked with a gasp. Holy shit. He gaped in surprise. Just the slighted tap had lit his nipples up.

Kai all but purred and circled those toys yet again. More uncontrolled shivers. But then he returned to lightly caressing Breck’s pecs. Which felt great, let there be no mistake, but Breck had really, really wanted Kai to release his nipples.