All but groaning, he tried another subject, Kai’s fingers making him mental. “Your place… It’s um... pretty awesome.” And he actually meant that. From the moment he walked in, he’d noted its warm, inviting vibe.
“Thank you.” Kai weaved the ropes farther up his chest. “Although, in fairness, my mom deserves most of the credit. She came to visit a few years back and helped me design it.”
Breck watched him intently as he worked, not missing the opportunity. So deeply focused, Kai wouldn’t detect his appreciative stare. “Where does she live?”
“Is that where you grew up?”
“It is.”
“How’d you end up over here on the east coast?”
Kai’s fingers slowed. “I came with my partner. To New York City.” He frowned a little, but quickly shuttered it, his eyes staying locked on his work. “Things didn’t work out, though, so I moved south. Didn’t care for the city.”
Breck regarded him. Kai had been in a relationship with a guy. A serious relationship. For some reason, that knowledge encouraged Breck. And maybe even inspired him a little. Kai was the captain of his ship, strong and undaunted, despite society’s dictates. Which, yeah, kind of made Breck proud to know the guy.
If only he enjoyed that kind of freedom with the lifepath he was on.
Kai’s focus moved up to Breck’s chest. Breck watched his fingers work, the design they weaved vaguely reminding him of lattice. Next thing he knew, Kai had his pecs cinched between the ropes. The sensation was strange, but also curiously arousing. He peered down at his tightly bound chest and eyed the way those ropes made his pectorals protrude. Already, he could feel the blood flow slowing in that particular region.
He shifted a little. “This kind of rig job got a name?”
Kai shook his head. “Not at present. It’s more of a hybrid.” His lips curved wryly. “Maybe I’ll name it after you.”
For some totally screwed up reason, Breck liked the notion of that. Kai naming something intimate like this after him. Even if it was just a rope design. It represented dominance. Sensual masculinity. A creation brought to tangible life via Kai’s vision and Breck’s willingness to trust.
Tamping a smile, he murmured, “Keep my name out of it.”
Kai grinned and wound the ropes up and around his shoulders, his dark eyes settling briefly on Breck’s ink. “Interesting tattoo.”
Breck fought not to scowl at the thing. “One of my fraternity’s letters,” he muttered. “Not one of my wisest decisions. Got it when I was drunk.”
“You drink a lot,” Kai noted.
Breck frowned defensively. “Hello. College student.”
Kai shrugged, murmuring as he kept going, “Inga oho.”
Breck eyed him irritably. “You gonna translate that?”
Kai’s lips curved again. “Bad causes bring bad results. An old Japanese expression.”
Breck glowered but didn’t contest. Kai’s little adage was spot on and he knew it.
“Are your workout buddies part of your fraternity? Ned, Tad, and Jay?”
Breck shook his head. “Nah. Just guys from my basketball team.”
“Like Charlie and Jegs.”
“Yeah.” Breck grinned before he could stop himself. “My sharp shooters.”
“They’re good. I enjoyed watching them play.”
Breck’s smile ebbed, reminded of how he’d forbade Kai to see any more of their games.
Fortunately, Kai didn’t press the subject any further. Just tightened his current knot and moved back over to the coffee table. Grabbing more rope, he gestured to the floor. “On your knees.”