Kai’s gaze hooded. “It shows.” He set down some scissors and all but one bundle from his collection of ropes.
Breck eyed the shears. They looked weird. Blunt, yet serrated. Oddly bent. “What’s up with those?”
“Bondage scissors. They’ll get you out of a bind in a hurry.”
Breck chuckled and rolled his eyes. “That was sad.”
Kai’s lips twitched as he handed Breck that final bundle. “Here. Get acquainted.”
Breck quirked a brow. “Acquainted with rope?”
Kai inclined his head. “Yes. Get to know it. Feel it. Smell it. Test its weight.”
Breck studied it, turning it over in his hands. “For what purpose? Rope is rope.”
Kai chuckled. “That’s incorrect. And what you’re holding is far superior to most.”
Breck frowned, still eyeing it. “What’s so amazing about this stuff?”
“For starters, it’s hemp. Twisted, not braided. Made of natural fibers instead of synthetic.”
“Hemp, huh? So you can smoke this stuff, too?”
Kai smirked. “That was sad.”
Breck laughed. “Hey, you never know.” He looked back down at the bundle and asked, “Any other reasons why you consider this so great?”
Kai crossed his arms and shrugged. “Its natural aesthetics. The way it feels against the skin. Organic rope also doesn’t stretch as much under tension as synthetics. Which riggers like myself especially love. It’s also got the strongest tooth.”
“The strongest tooth?”
“Knot strength.”
“Ah,” Breck drawled. “Yes, that definitely sounds important.”
“Indeed,” Kai murmured. “Can’t have my victims getting away.”
Fighting a grin, Breck met his gaze.
Kai’s expression had gone playful again. God, that smile. So sexy and roguish. Sending shivers of current coursing under Breck’s skin. Clearing his throat, he concentrated on Kai’s superior rope. Cream in color, it did feel nice in his hands. Softer than he’d expected, with a pleasant weight. He imagined Kai weaving it unhurriedly around his body... “So this is your favorite.” Oh Jesus God, his voice sounded husky.
“Actually, jute is my favorite. But it’s expensive and harder to get. And since my students bring their own rope to class, I use what they have easier access to.” He shrugged again. “It’s more mainstream in the western world, anyway. They can go to any BDSM shop and find quality stuff. I use jute when I’m doing exhibitions. Or for personal use.”
“Exhibitions?” Breck’s brows shot high. “As in, public displays?”
Kai inclined his head again. “Like I said, it’s a form of art.”
Breck frowned. “What kind of place would host a gig like that?”
“Same place that hosts Shibari classes.”
Breck eyed him expectantly. “Which is?”
Kai’s lips quirked. “A dive downtown. You wouldn’t know it.”
Breck’s brain churned. “You mean, like in D.C.? Georgetown or something?”