Page 84 of Losers, Part I


I was still walking funny when Vincent dropped me off at home. He even walked me to the door, back to being a gentleman now that he was done torturing me until I screamed.

We stopped at the door, and he leaned over me as he gripped my face in his hands, squeezing my cheeks as he made me look up at him. “You’re going to be a good girl until Friday, right?”

Friday was when I would be going over to their house to complete my task for Lucas. I would be showing up as an accessorized toy for Jason to play with as he pleased. I still didn’t know what exactly Vincent had in that box, but come Friday, I was sure I’d be getting intimately acquainted.

“It might be easier to be good if you send me that video you mentioned,” I said, daring to push my luck.

“Video? Of Lucas’s piercing?” Vincent laughed. “If I’m going to risk him murdering me for you to get a laugh, you’re going to need to do a little more than take a few little shocks.” I gaped at him in offense, about to protest his assessment of what he’d done to me as beinga few little shocks, but he cut me off before I could. “Show Jason a good time, and I’ll consider it more seriously.”

I groaned, but he wasn’t going to budge. Still, I was willing to try to behave if it meant getting to see Lucas at his mostvulnerable. Part of me didn’t even believe a man like that had any fears at all.

Vincent left me with a ravenous kiss, pressing me back against the door as his tongue dipped past my lips.

“I’ll see you soon,” he said. He’d promised to pick me up on Friday, even though I told him I could drive my mom’s car over. “Oh, and one more thing…”

He walked back to the car, returning with something in a black plastic bag. “I’ll take the rest of your new toys to the house, but you’ll need to be wearing this when I pick you up.”

“What is it?” I said cautiously.

“So suspicious.” He patted my cheek like I was a silly little thing, asking silly little questions. “Don’t worry. You’ll look sexy. Jason will lose his mind.”

The fact that he wouldn’t simply tell me it was lingerie was concerning. Almost as if it…wasn’t…lingerie. The moment his back was turned, I snuck a look in the bag, but all I could see was black lace fabric. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, then.

It was bad. Oh, God, it was so embarrassinglybad.

My reflection stared back at me from my bedroom mirror, my furious glare making me look even more ridiculous. I’d just gotten off work, and Vincent would be here to pick me up soon, so I’d put on the “uniform” he’d given me. After struggling for several minutes to squeeze it over my ass, I was now wearing a black frilly maid costume.

The dress barely covered me. Bending over slightly would show my panties. My tits were pushed up tightly together in the bodice. But it wasn’t just a tiny sexy dress, oh no. That wouldn’t have been mean enough.

There was also a collar with a silver bell. Every time I moved, it made a tiny tinkling sound.

But eventhatwasn’t all. Nope.

There were also ears. Fluffy black and white ears attached to a headband. When I put them on, nestled in my hair, it made me look like some kind of cat girl.

I snatched my phone off my bedside table and messaged the bastards responsible.What the hell is wrong with you?

Three bouncing dots appeared almost instantly.

Too many things to count,Lucas replied.Or were you referring to something in particular?

You know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m not wearing cat ears.

As I waited for a response, I glanced at myself in the mirror again. The dress looked good from the back; I’d admit that. I looked ridiculous, but strangely cute? Maybe even sexy?

I think we need a visual reference,Manson wrote.

Yeah, Miss Kitty.I read the text in Vincent’s voice, thick with humor.Let’s see how you look.

Huffing in frustration, I wrote back,Ridiculous. I look completely ridiculous.

I pulled up my camera and looked at myself. Okay, itdidlook a little sexy. The dress was silly but flattering. Another text from Lucas popped up right as my finger hovered over the button to snap the photo.

Don’t make us come over there, girl. Picture. Now.

My stomach did that ridiculous twisty thing. I snapped a picture, then took a few more to be sure I got a good one.