Page 119 of Losers, Part I

“Open the fucking door! Hey!” Alex’s voice was growing louder and he was really trying to get the door open now. Even though I’d already worked myself into a sweat, I had more energy than ever as I slammed into her. My balls tightened, and my back tingled.

I was going to spill inside her delicious cunt and Alex was going to listen to every moment.

“Come for me,” I growled the command in her ear, and her muscles spasmed greedily around me. Her legs trembled, her breathing choppy with desperate gasps as I rubbed her clit. I couldfeelher come on me, warm and slick and throbbing with pleasure.

I bottomed out inside her, pumping my cum deep. I hooked my fingers into her mouth and she opened, her ragged cry of bliss like a cherry on top of my pleasure. Alex was cursing, and it sounded like he was about to kick the door down.

Jess gasped when I pulled out of her and hurriedly tugged up her leggings. I kissed her quickly, grabbing my bag from the locker before I took her hand.

“Looks like you won’t be getting a shower,” I said. “Because we’d better not be here when he gets that door open.”

She smelled like sweat and my cum, and it made me feel like I was on top of the world. It was some primal animal kingdom bullshit, but fucking her while Alex could do nothing more than listen was possibly the greatest ego boost I’d ever given myself.

I think I was going to like this new gym.



Those early morning workouts with Jason soon became a routine. He’d meet me outside my house, luckily before my mom was awake, and we’d jog together through the park and to the gym. It was clear he wasn’t used to the early hour, and some days he arrived looking half asleep. But he was there every morning regardless, bleary-eyed until the jog woke him up.

I thought a confrontation with Alex was inevitable after what happened. But he didn’t come to the gym at all for the rest of the week. Either he was going at a different time or had stopped coming altogether. Either way, I wasn’t complaining. I was glad to no longer feel the heaviness of his gaze following me around.

It was nice to have a dedicated gym partner. Jason pushed himself hard, and he clearly knew his stuff. Having him there, matching my enthusiasm and challenging me with a little friendly competition, had me feeling eager to roll out of bed in the morning.

It was easy to forget he was there to protect me. The entire idea of needing protection was strange. The boys knew better than me what Reagan was capable of, but I still cringed at the idea of asking them for rides around town when I could simply walk. I was usually able to borrow my mom’s car for my midmorning coffee runs, but on Thursday, she had gone to visit a friend.

I didn’t think I could get through the rest of the day without my espresso. A brewed cup of coffee from our kitchen wasn’t going to cut it. But I still winced when I pulled out my phone, trying to decide who to ask.

I’d always been independent. I’d gotten my driver’s license as soon as I was legally allowed to, and before I got the BMW, I’d been driving around my mom’s old Jetta. No longer having to rely on my parents or boyfriend for rides had been a relief. I never had to ask for permission or wait around for anyone else.

So texting the group chat,Hey, can I get a quick ride to the coffee shop?felt like going back in time. I hated toask. Besides, this surely had to be annoying to them. I was supposed to be payingthem, not getting chauffeured around.

But it had been their idea in the first place.

I can. Manson was the first one to text me back.Give me fifteen minutes, I’ll be over.

I immediately hurried into the bathroom to touch up my makeup. It took several minutes of obsessive preening before I recognized the jittery feeling in my stomach as nervous excitement, like that sensation of anxiety before a first date. But Manson was just picking me up for coffee. It was nothing serious, nothing to get all worked up over.

I put down my mascara, staring at my reflection. I looked different than I had a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t sure how or why. It was like my face had relaxed, as if I’d been holding tension there and hadn’t even known it.

It was relaxing to finally be getting fucked right; that was for sure. No one else I’d been with had ever satisfied me like these men did. It was more than merely their casual dominance, their filthy words.

They made my life exciting. I never knew what to expect. I no longer knew if I was facing a regular day or if one of them would call, text, or come by and pick me up for a debauched adventure.It took my mind off work and buried all my petty day-to-day stressors.

I enjoyed spending time with them far more than I’d ever thought I would. I liked being in their company, conversing with them, learning from them. And they seemed to genuinely enjoy being around me too — except maybe Lucas, but he was impossible to get a read on.

My cell buzzed, and I picked it up, frowning when I saw a notification from Danielle. It was a Facebook invite to a party at her house this weekend, with nearly a hundred people on the invite list.

A few weeks ago, I would have RSVPed without hesitation. I’d always been a party girl; I loved going out. I loved the laughter and antics of being in a big group of people, all looking to have a good time. Even now, as I shoved my phone into my bag without responding to the invite, I feared I was missing out on something important.

But I wasn’t sure if there was a place for me at parties like that anymore. If I had to go there and lie to make people accept me, why bother?

I passed my sister on the stairs as I was coming down, and she said, “Hey, your boyfriend is outside. Or…” She wrinkled her nose. “One of them is.”

Manson had texted me he’d be arriving soon, but I remained frozen on the stairs, staring at Steph. “Why do you think he’s my boyfriend?”

She cocked her hip and made a face — God, I could swear I used to do the exact same move. It was so weird to see your own sibling turn into a miniature version of yourself. “Um, let’s see…you’re always coming home with hickeys, so obviously you’re seeingsomeone. Also, Mary Volkov told me you’re dating her brother, so…” She shrugged. “I don’t know why Mom ever fell for your wholeThey’re just my mechanics!story. You’re losing yourtouch, sis. You have to be sneakier.”