Page 63 of Vicious Lies

“It’s not done.”

Have you ever looked at someone and saw the exact moment that their heart broke? Have you ever loved that person so much, you felt their pain inside your own chest?

I have.

As Crew pulls away, his posture slumped, I grasp my own heart and shed tears for his pain. “Please, Crew.” I’m not sure what I want to say, but I have to say something.

He turns away, unable to even look at me. The toe of his boot digs into a bare spot on the ground and he kicks up a chunk of moss and dried leaves. “Fuck!” he shouts, fisting the hair on the sides of his head.

I should approach him, try to calm him down in some way, but right now, I can tell he needs space.

The crunching of leaves in the distance has my head snapping in the direction of the sound. Elias and Riley come into view, holding hands and smiling from ear to ear. They’re so cute together, and I’m envious of Riley for knowing exactly what her heart wants.

I look over at Crew, who pays no attention to their impending presence.

“Scar,” Riley hollers, her hand in the air waving. It’s so weird hearing her call me by the nickname the guys gave me. Before the end of the school year, I’ll probably be Scar to everyone here.

I give her a low, subtle wave back and force a smile. “Hey, Ry.”

“What am I, chopped liver?” Elias teases, and I chuckle.

“Hello, Elias.”

“How are you holding up?” Riley asks. “I heard Victor Hammond spread a rumor saying you’re the one who pushed Hannah.”

“Yeah,” I sweep my hand through the air, “just students talking about something they know nothing about. Everything’s fine. Hannah knows it wasn’t me.”

Riley notices Crew out of the corner of her eye. His palm is pressed to a large linden tree and his head is hung low. She leans close and whispers, “Did we interrupt something?”

“We were just…having an important conversation.”

“Oh shit. I’m sorry, girl. Let us get out of your way.” She takes a step forward, Elias a shadow at her side. Then she takes a step back. “Oh, hey. Me and a couple girls are decorating The Square after dinner. You should stop by. Catch up, ya know?”

“Yeah.” I nod. “For sure. I’ll be there.”

Her brows perk up. “Yay. I’ll see you then.”

With that, they continue on their way. Once they’re out of sight, I approach Crew. “Can we finish?” I ask him.

He gives me a lazy sweep over his shoulder, the expression of sadness on his face now one of disdain.

Oh, the many moods of Crew Vance.

Being the manipulative, pain in the ass I am, I try out a reverse psychology tactic. “Okay then. I have some studying to do and I’m not sure if you heard, but I just made plans with Ry. So I guess I’ll catch you at home.”

I start walking, knowing damn well he won’t let me leave. My steps start off quick, but when he doesn’t come, I slow down a bit. A glance over my shoulder has my heart splintering.

He’s gone.

“Crew,” I holler, moving my feet down the trail and hoping for any sign of where he might be.

The next thing I know, I’m staring straight at a snowmobile coming right at me.

This has to be Neo.

Unintimidated, I plant my hands on my hips and stay right in his path. When he doesn’t slow down, my heart begins rattling against my rib cage.

He comes closer, and closer, and it’s confirmed Neo is the driver. A war is waged in my head.Death or pride?