Page 23 of Vicious Lies

I watch as Crew plants a kiss on Scar’s cheek, whispers something to her, then walks away.

Scar looks around the room and I can tell she’s feeling a bit out of place. A couple girls use the opportunity to ambush Crew, seeing an opening of their own. She locks eyes with him momentarily then turns around unfazed.

Neo slaps a hand on my leg. “Now’s your chance.”

Using this opportunity, I stand up, snatch my beer off the table, and head straight for her as she walks into the kitchen.

I’m stopped by Amber, a senior, who looks like she’s had too much to drink. “Hey, Jagger. Great party.” Her body sways as she tries to steady herself on another girl’s arm.

I look past her, seeing that Scar has now walked out the sliding glass doors to the porch. “I’m busy.”

Amber holds up a shot glass filled to the brim with clear liquid. “Have a drink with me. It’s tequila.”

“Fucking move!” I attempt to dip around her, but another girl wearing a bikini joins her side, all three completely blocking my entrance into the kitchen.

The new girl slithers up to me. The warmth of her tits pressed against my arm is enticing, but it’s not enough to keep me here.

“I saw Neo checking the three of you out earlier. Why don’t you give him some attention? I’m sure it’ll make his day.”

It’s a lie, but it works. Three pairs of eyes shoot over my shoulder, in search of Neo. I manage to slip between them and into the kitchen. A glance over my shoulder shows them parading toward Neo like he’s theirs for the taking. That was almost too easy.

When I turn back around, I crash right into Crew. He’s holding a can of fruity seltzer, likely for Scar, and a bottled beer. “Have you seen Scar?” he asks, his gaze dancing over my shoulder.

My lips purse together and I skim the room casually. “No,” I lie, “haven’t seen her.”

He steps past me in search of his girlfriend, while I go straight to where she’s at.



"Everything okay?”Jagger’s voice comes from beside me. He leans on the porch railing, sinking the sleeves of his black hoodie into the snow.

“Yeah,” I wheeze, “just needed some fresh air.”

My entire body shakes and I’m starting to think coming out here in a short-sleeved tee shirt with thin leggings was a bad idea.

“You’re shivering,” Jagger says as he peels off his hoodie.

He goes to hand it to me, but I shoot a thumb over my shoulder. “I’m okay. Really. I should probably go back inside.”

“What’s the rush?” The hoodie comes over my shoulders, the long sleeves hanging down in front of me.

“Thank you.” I smile as I hug the hoodie to my body, while taking in any sliver of warmth it brings me. “Crew went to get me a drink and he’s probably wondering where I’m at.”

“Actually, I think he’s talking to Neo right now. Probably best to avoid that situation if you can.”

Ugh.He’s right. Neo is probably drilling nonsense into Crew’s head. Fortunately, I trust Crew, and I know he won’t be swayed by Neo’s bullshit theories. I’ll give them their time; otherwise, I’ll walk in there looking like the bad guy Neo already sees me as.

I turn back around, looking out into the dark field that meets the forest. The snow is only lightly falling, which is nice, but the accumulation is quite deep. Making small talk, I say, “I don’t remember the snow ever falling this early back home.”

Jagger shares my view as he leans into the snow-covered railing again, this time, bare armed. “It’s a whole different world in Boulder Cove.”

“No kidding. I’m not sure anything could have prepared me for what I walked in on at this place.”

He turns to look at me while I stare straight ahead. “Are we still talking about the weather?”

I shrug my shoulders because it’s the easiest response, but, deep down, there is so much I want to say.