Page 71 of Vicious Lies

“Whoa, Mom,” I laugh, though there is no humor. “No one is after me.” It’s a lie, but after this conversation, I have a pretty good idea where to start digging to find out who it is. There’s no doubt in my mind now—it’s definitely a Beckett.

“Secrets lurk in the shadows at BCA, and they aren’t only Blue Blood secrets. Be safe, honey. Don’t leave the school grounds, and remember what I said, never go out alone at night.”

“Wait. I have to ask you one more thing before we hang up. What ever happened to this Jeremy guy?”

“He’s passed away and his son was put into foster care.”

“Okay, Mom. I should get off now. Give Dad a hug for me. I love you.”

“Promise me you’ll be in touchif you have any trouble at all. The Becketts aren’t a threat to us anymore, but we can never be too safe when it comes to that family.”

“I promise.”

“Be safe. I love you, honey.”

I end the call and hand the phone back to Jagger. “Well, that was an earful. She might think the Becketts aren’t a threat to us, but I think she’s wrong.”

“Very wrong.”

My brows dip, the wrinkles in my forehead prominent. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”

“The son?”

“Bingo. It would make sense that he’d have his parents' charms as proof of their love for one another.”

“Eh. I wouldn’t say love. Didn’t you hear your mom? She thinks this Jeremy guy murdered Kenna.”

“True. But she doesn’t know that for a fact. It’s all speculation. Like many things at BCA. And plot twist, my dad owns that damn cabin. How the hell did I not know that?”

Jagger shrugs. “Seems they aren’t planning any family vacations there anytime soon.”

“Or ever.”

“All right, we have to look at this from all angles. I should probably fill the guys in.”

I nod. “Yeah. I’ll help Riley and you go back and talk to them. I’ll let you off the hook this time.”

Jagger presses his lips to my cheek. “Thanks. I’ll see you back at the house.”

Warmth rides through my stomach as I walk away, feeling the giddiness of a thirteen-year-old girl with a crush. How did I get so lucky to have not only one, but two of the most gorgeous guys in existence?

When I reach Riley and the group, I wave goodbye to Jagger. He disappears back on the trail, and I focus on being present for Riley. I haven’t been there for her much and I’ve got a lot of guilt about it.

“You made it.” Riley beams in her ‘always chipper’ tone. Her arms fly around me, of course, and this time, I hug her back. I,really,hug her back.

“I’ve missed you,” I tell her, warranting a look of panic on her face.

“Are you okay?”

I laugh at her concern for me. “Of course I’m okay.”

“Why are you being warm and fuzzy? That’s not like you.”

“Ry,” I drawl, “I’m not always cold and heartless.”

“Yes, you are. Now tell me what's going on and why you were holding Jagger Cole’s hand when I saw you coming down the trail.”

I wince. “You saw that?”