Page 66 of Vicious Lies

Scar gives us all a lazy sweep then asks, “What did I just walk in on?”

Neo, being the instigator he is, takes it upon himself to address her question. “If I had to guess, I’d say they're discussing whose dick fits better. My vote’s for Jagger. Guy’s hung like a horse.”

“Dude. Really?” I scoff.

His shoulders rise, then fall. “Just saying.”

Scar ignores him, and me, and walks over to Crew. “Can we talk? Please?”

Crew rolls his neck, eyes landing on mine. “Actually. I think we should all have this conversation together.”

Scar tugs his arm. “Please stop.”

“You two talk,” I tell him. “I’ll be in the basement with Neo if you need me.”

“Why the fuck do I need to go in the basement?”

“Because you and I need to discuss the matter of Melody Higgins.” I screw the top back on my water bottle and pull open the basement door, leaving it open behind me. When I don’t sense that Neo is following, I glance at him over my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

To my surprise, he actually comes. I step aside, letting him go down first, then I close the door. Once it’s latched, Neo jogs back up the stairs he just went down. “What are you doing?” I ask him.

“Listening. Isn’t that what you planned on doing?”

“No, dumbass. I was gonna lift while we figure out a plan for Melody.”

“No shit? You don’t care what’s being said up there?”

“Sure, I care. But it’s not my business. Scar and I will talk later.”

With a scoff, he heads back down. “Jesus, that girl must have a gold-plated pussy. Might need to tap it myself, just to see what all the fuss is about.”

“The fuck you will.”

We reach the bottom and I go straight to the bench. I don’t give Neo’s statement any more attention because I know damn well he’d kill Scar before he’d fuck her.

I lie back, craning my neck under the bar, and once it’s set in my palms, I lift, and I talk. “I was thinking we’d set a little trap, using Melody as our bait to lure this fucker out. What are your thoughts?”

Neo begins curling two fifty-pound dumbbells, his veins bulging. “I was thinking we could tie your girl to a tree butt-ass naked. He’s sure to come for a taste.”

Once again, I don’t humor him with a response. Bringing the bar down an inch from my chest, I lift up, feeling my muscles strain against my skin, and repeat the action. “Assuming this fucker isn’t onto us,” I blow out a breath, “we could put up cameras outside Melody’s room. Watch 'em like a hawk, then pounce when we’re given the opportunity.”

“Or, better yet, you could just stay in Melody’s room with her, and as soon as he shows up, you take him down.”

“Fuck that. I’m not staying with that whiny bitch. Why don’t you stay with her?”

“Hell no. I’d stay in a room with Scar all night before I’d enclose myself in a room with Melody.”

This is the second time he’s brought up Scar in the last ten minutes. What I don’t understand is why she’s so heavy on his mind. “Hey. What happened with you and Scar before you got home? Things seemed heated.”

He sets the dumbbells down and rips off his shirt before picking them back up. “She wouldn’t let me give her a ride, so I toyed with her a little. Nothing she’s not used to.”

“Buthowdid you toy with her? You must’ve said something that got under her skin.”

“When am I not under that girl’s skin. All I told her waswhat goes around, comes around.It’s the truth. She’ll get what’s coming to her eventually.”

“Are you still on this trip about your sister? Come on, Neo. You have to know Scar didn’t have anything to do with Maddie’s fall.” I’m not usually this forward with Neo when it comes to Maddie because he’s extremely defensive, but enough is enough.

“I don’t know that. In fact, I don’t think for a second she didn’t have something to do with it.”