Page 56 of Vicious Lies

“Good. Now go.”

There’s no hesitation as she climbs to her feet and flees for the woods, sobbing and carrying her hair with her.

I toss the scissors into the snow and close my eyes. Drawing in a deep breath, I attempt to process what just happened. As I open my eyes, Jagger comes to my side, putting an arm around my shoulders. “Damn, girl. I did not see that coming. Remind me to never get on your bad side.”

Lifting an eyebrow, I smirk back at him. “Oh, you have been. Just not quite like that girl.”

“So,” he begins, “do you believe her?”

“Really don’t want to. I’d love nothing more than to stick it to that bitch, but yeah. I think she’s telling the truth.”

“Guess we’re back at square one?”

I rub my temples aggressively, hating that this whole mess tonight was a waste. “Seems so.”

We sit there for a couple more minutes in silence, both lost in our own thoughts, before Jagger says, “Let’s get you home.”



“Still mad at me?”Scar asks, pouting from where she lies on my bed.

I’m staring straight at the ceiling, arms folded over my bare chest. “You know my answer to that question.” I drop my pissed-off stance and roll to my side to face her. “How can I be after everything I’ve done to you? That willalwaysbe my answer to that question.”

With her hands pressed between her cheek and the pillow, she lifts a smile. “You’re allowed to be mad at me, Crew. I’m pretty mad at myself.”

“Good. I’ll let you be mad at yourself for both of us.”

Scar changes the subject quickly, likely trying to ease some of the discontent. “I still can’t believe Melody is this fucker’s henchman.”

“Yeah. I’m pretty surprised at that, too. Melody’s a pansy. I just can’t imagine that girl running out in the woods alone all hours of the night.”

We both start laughing at the thought and it’s the first time Scar’s smiled all night. “I’m just glad you’re home and safe.” I throw an arm around her waist and pull her closer. Her face nuzzles into my chest, and I press my lips to her forehead.

“So, what are you guys gonna do about her? Is she getting kicked out?”

“Not really sure. Neo wants to fry her ass, naturally. Jagger thinks we can use her to lure this guy out. As of right now, this person doesn't know we’re on to Melody.”

Her eyes peer up at me, and she asks, “And what do you think?”

“I think you’re the one who had to endure the most pain from her actions, so it should be your choice.”

“Me?” She chuckles. “I’m in no position to make authoritative decisions.”

My fingers run through her damp hair. “Sure you are. You live here, don’t you? You're like the first unofficial Lawless female.”

She blows out a heavy breath of laughter. “Probably best if you never let Neo hear you say that.”

“Fuck Neo.”

She lifts her head, looking at me. “You’ve really been going above and beyond proving that guy no longer has a hold on you.”

“That’s because he doesn’t. I’ll stick to our pacts and promises, but in my personal life, Neo can fuck off.”

Ever since he caught Scar and me together after Maddie’s accident, Neo's made me feel inferior to him. For a while, I put up with it because my guilty conscience told me I should. Not anymore. His days of being in control of me are done. Hopefully soon, Jagger has the same mindset as me, and we can both knock him off his high horse.

Jagger.Another person I need to talk to Scar about, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it. I could entertain the thoughts in my head and just straight out ask her if anything happened, or I can wait for her to tell me, if and when something does. Either way, once I know, there’s no forgetting it—even if I could potentially forgive it.