Page 41 of Vicious Lies

She laughs again, and I can see that her courage has skyrocketed with just a few shots.

We get to the sled and I’m shoving the helmet at her, hoping she hurries this along. When I say I’ll be in some serious shit if Neo and Crew found out, I’m not exaggerating. That room is full of conspiracy theories, threats, and secrets. Not to mention, everything pertaining to Scar’s life over the last couple years.

“Calm down,Dad!”She laughs again, and I curl my lip at her.

“For fuck’s sake, don’t ever call me that again.”

I climb on the sled, and she's back in her place behind me. We’ve got a good hour before the game’s over, and we just need to get back before anyone knows we left.

Not wasting any time, I drive out of here at full speed, causing Scar to hug me even tighter. There’s nothing quite like being between her legs, but I’d prefer to be facing the other direction with my face down.Fuck.The thought has my cock twitching in my pants.

When I take a sharp right, Scar mumbles under the shield of her helmet. “Where are you going?”

I raise my voice and shout, “Different entrance.”

If we go in through the Eldridge Mountain entrance, it won’t be as long of a walk through the tunnels.

She settles back in place, resting her chin on my shoulder. Even through my helmet and the cold breeze, I can still smell her. Or maybe her scent is so ingrained in my mind, it never really leaves—vanilla and lavender—and damn, does she smell good.

Ten minutes later, I’m coming to a stop on the east side of Eldridge Mountain. There’s an old door that leads to a staircase that will take us right into the tunnels. It’s not often we use this entrance, but it’s how I entered the last time I went to that room and it cut about ten minutes of walking time.

I turn the key, shutting the sled down, and Scar swings her leg over the side and gets up. I take her helmet from her, hanging it on the handle, then do the same with mine. “Let’s make this quick,” I tell her.

As we’re walking, Scar pulls out the bottle of booze and takes another swig. She passes it to me, lifting a smile. “Liquid courage?”

Against my better judgment, I grab it from her and drink the last drop, then toss the empty bottle to my right.

My tongue sweeps across my lip, taking up the excess liquid. “This way. It’s just a small trek to the door.”

“So,” she begins, looking at me with serious eyes, “it’s a little late to ask this, but do you have protection if we need it?”

I stop walking, eyes wide.Did she really just ask me that?“Umm, yeah. I always have protection.”

“Good. We can’t be too safe.”

Is she insinuating what I think she’s insinuating? Crew told me to give it my best shot, but I had no idea it would be this easy. Not that sleeping with Scar is what I was referring to when I said I just wanted a chance. But if she’s down, there’s no way in hell I’ll deny her.

We approach the door and my mind is anywhere but on that room. Each step has my heart racing, and each beat has my erection throbbing. I’ve tasted Scar’s mouth before—felt the tightness of her pussy with my fingers, all the while dreaming about what it would feel like to bury my cock inside her.

“Wait,” I say, grabbing her by the waist and pressing her back to the old door blanketed in ivy vines. Her eyes peer up at me, wondrous and full of lust.

“What is it?” she asks, tone placid.

I’m not sure if it’s the booze or her words playing on my emotions, but I need to find out if Scar reciprocates my feelings.

Give it your best shot.

My hands move to her head, cradling it in my palms like a breakable object.

When her eyes dance across my mouth, I know she feels the tension coiling between us.

Slowly, I bring her lips closer to mine. My tongue drags faintly across her bottom lip, the sweet taste of cinnamon igniting something inside me.

“Jagger,” she whispers, the heat of her breath sending chills throughout my body.

I know she wants this as much as I do. I can feel it in my bones. But, this isn’t just any girl—it’s Scar—and I need her approval first. But once I get it, I’ll never ask for it again.

With our noses brushing, my eyes burning into hers, I beg her, “Tell me to kiss you.”