Page 40 of Vicious Lies

“Says who?” She huffs. “You been watching me?”

Twisting the top back on, I bite down on a smile. “Maybe I have.”

“Seems to be everyone’s M.O. here.”

“We don’t all have the same motives, though. That, I can assure you.”

Hugging her coat to her chest, she asks, “What’s your motive? What do you want from me, Jagger?”

It’s not what I want from you, but with you.

“Your safety. That’s all I care about.” It’s not a lie.

Scar’s eyes burn into mine, and I’m wondering if she’s expecting me to say more. I hand her back the bottle, slicing through the tense moment. “Here. One more won’t hurt.”

After a few minutes of awkward small talk about the weather, the alcohol begins to take hold. "Jagger," Scar says apprehensively.


“Can I trust you with a secret?”

That seems to be a heavy topic lately among the four of us. But there has to be a reason she’s asking this. “Sure. You can tell me anything.”

“Good. Because I’m going to be brutally honest with you.”Oh shit. Here it comes.“I didn’t plan to tell you, but I’m going to the tunnels tonight.”

“Like hell you are!” The words fly out of my mouth without any thought process behind them. “Are you insane?”

Completely unaffected by my outburst, she draws her shoulders back. "I’m going, and you can’t stop me.”

Her determination is cute, but I’m not giving in. “I can and will stop you, even if it means tying you to your bed.”

“Kinky. But no. I’m going to the tunnels and checking out that room you and the guys found.”

“Then I’ll be forced to let Crew and Neo in on your plan.”

Her forehead creases, brows tight. “You said I could trust you.”

Dammit. Why is she putting me in this position? My head drops back and I’m staring blankly at the tin bleacher seats above me. “Fine,” I spit out. “You can go.” her eyes light up, but I’m not finished. “But I’m going with you.”


“Okay?” I’m a bit surprised she agreed so quickly.

“Didn’t really wanna go alone anyways. Now if someone comes for me, I can use you as bait.” She elevates her chin, and when I scowl at her, she laughs. “I’m fucking with you. In all seriousness, I was a little scared at the idea of going there by myself.”

“As you should be. This shit is no joke, Scar.”

“Ok then.” She stuffs the pint back in her pocket. “Let’s do this.” Her arm hooks around mine, and she skips us out from under the bleachers, her buzz obvious.

Before we duck out, I slouch down and look both ways. There’s a group of students gathered to the left, but no one I need to be concerned about. The person I’m looking for is likely still not here—Neo. If he sees Scar and I getting on my sled and leaving together, he’ll ask questions. Crew’s on the field, so I don’t have to worry about him. Once I’m sure the coast is clear, I unhook my arm and take her by the hand, leading her out. “Straight to the sled. Talk to no one.”

“Are you good to drive?” she asks, and I realize that alcohol also makes her loud.

“I’m fine,” I whisper.

Laughter escapes her. “Why are you whispering? No one can hear us over the game and all the people here.”

I take her hand, staring straight ahead. "You don’t understand how much shit I’ll be in if anyone finds out about this. So, just play it cool.”