Page 33 of Vicious Lies

“Doubtful,” she hisses at him, and I’m a bit surprised by her confrontational tone. Riley is usually timid and reserved when it comes to The Lawless.

“Where’s Elias?” I ask her, needing to change the subject quickly before it escalates into another situation I’m stuck in the middle of.

“Everyone was sent back to their dorms, but there was no way in hell I was going there without making sure you were safe first.”

“Ry!” I stammer. “You’ve been out there alone when there’s a madman on the loose? What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that if someone wanted to hurt me, they could have done it already. I’m out alone all the time. It’s you I’m worried about.”

My neck stretches back in confusion. “Me? Why?” I think we all have every reason to be worried, but what I don’t understand is why Riley is so concerned about my safety all of a sudden. She doesn’t even know this crazy guy is targeting me.

“I heard everyone talking about what happened at The Lawless house. Someone broke into your room?”

Crew comes up to my side, putting an arm around my waist. “Scar is safe. As we promised you she would be.”

Riley glowers at Crew, and they exchange unspoken words. It’s like a battle over who can keep me the safest, and, truthfully, it’s really uncomfortable. “Both of you, stop! Contrary to what you might think, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” I simper, looking at Riley. “Crew is right, though. They wouldn't let anything happen to me.”

She scratches the back of her head, assessing Crew before looking at me and saying, “Fine. Why don’t you walk home with me and stay at my place tonight until they get the power back on at the guys’ house.”

“No,” Crew blurts out, warranting a quizzical look from both Riley and me. “I don’t want her in the dorms. Neo called the headmaster and she assured him the power will be back on tonight.”

“Scarlett?” Riley says, wanting to know how I feel about this situation.

“Crew is right. It’s best if I stay at their house.” An idea pops into my head. “But since the parties were both a bust, we could still hang out tonight.”

Riley’s eyes light up. “I love that idea!” Her arms fly around the upper half of my body. “I’ve missed you since you moved out.”

Crew and I share a look. “She’s always like this,” I tell him.

“If byalways like this, you mean super happy to hang out with my bestie, then yes!”

“Okay. It’s settled then,” Crew says, clearly bored with this conversation. “I have to go check on things with the guys, so your hangout will have to wait.” He takes my hand, and Riley grabs the other.

“Wait,” Riley says, tugging me in her direction. “Why don’t we go back to my room until Crew is done and he can stop and pick you up after?”

It’s a good thing we don’t have school tomorrow, even though it’s a Thursday. I have a feeling it’s going to be a very long night.

“All right,” Crew says, eyes on me, “I’ll get someone I trust to walk you both to the dorm and I’ll swing by when we’re done here.”

I squeeze his hand, seeking reassurance. “You sure you don’t mind?”

“Nah. This shouldn’t take long.” He leans close, lips brushing my ear. “But I expect you to pay me a visit in my room when we get home tonight.”

A smile plays on my lips and I whisper back, “I’ll do my very best.”

* * *

“Ya know.I could get used to this,” Riley says as she kicks out her leg, shaking off the snow that’s seeping into her ankle boot.

“What’s that? Freezing your ass off in a miniskirt in frigid temperatures?”

“No,” she chuckles, “having a bodyguard.”

I look over my shoulder at Victor, who’s following quietly behind us. Unfortunately, ol’ boy Vic fucked up again and he was never promoted from Rook rank. Now, he really is The Lawless’s bitch. He was given strict orders to follow us to The Foxes’ Den.

As we near the end of the trail, I spot Elias. He’s walking toward us, bundled up in a trench coat with a trapper hat on his head. “There you are,” he says to Riley, “I’ve been looking everywhere.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be at your dorm?”