Page 32 of Vicious Lies

“Probably a coincidence.”

“It’s worth asking about, though. Don’t ya think? What if this guy is after Melody, too?”

“I’m not worried about Melody or Hannah. I’m worried about you.” He kisses my lips before drawing back to get a better look at me. “So, Jagger got the sled caught up on a branch, huh?”

I nod, feeling a tinge of guilt for not telling him the truth. When I said that, I was still in a state of panic and the words just flew out of my mouth.I thought it would be better if he didn’t know, but my conscience doesn’t agree.

“That’s weird. I took the same trail that leads here, and I didn’t see any debris on my way. Must’ve fallen after I passed through.”

“I lied,” I blurt out, unable to keep up with my story. “I’m sorry, Crew, but I lied. There was no branch.”

He takes a step back, rubbing his chin. “Okay,” he drags out the word. “So what really happened?”

I massage my temple, hating the position I’m in. The last thing I want is to start an argument between Jagger and Crew. Crew is already convinced I have feelings for Jagger and this will only add to that assumption.

“I really don’t know,” I tell him, truthfully. “I noticed we turned off the trail, but I didn’t say anything. I thought maybe he had to stop somewhere on the way.”

Crew sighs heavily. “Just tell me what the fuck happened, Scar.”

“Nothing,” I gulp, “it's the honest truth. Nothing happened. We pulled over—”


Dammit.I draw in a full breath. I really don’t want to give up Jagger’s special spot. “Just…somewhere.”


It feels like I’m being probed right now and I hate it. “And nothing. He said he wanted to talk to me about something, then I asked him if it could wait because I wanted to get here…” My hands run down his sleeved arms. “…to you.”

Crew licks his lips, overthinking this, I’m sure. “You’re sure that’s all that happened?”

I tilt my head to the side, cracking a smile. It’s kinda cute when he’s jealous. “I’m sure.” I slither up to him, bring my hands around his neck, clasping them together. I lift my chin and his eyes peer down on me. He’s still scowling, but I think I can change that. My lips meet his and I instantly feel his body relax against mine. “I’m here now. With you.”

He smacks my ass with both hands, hard, and my body jolts. His fingers curl into the flesh of my cheeks. “Let’s keep it that way.”

“Scarlett!” I hear Riley bellow from above ground. “Are you down there?”

“I’m here,” I holler back, hurrying over to the ladder. I look up and see her panic-stricken face. “I’m okay.”

She clutches her chest. “Thank fuck. I thought you were dead.”

I laugh at her hysterics. “Why would you think that?”

“Oh, I dunno. Maybe because of the company you keep. Or because I heard a girl was beaten to a bloody pulp down there.”

That’s the rumor mill for ya…

Riley begins to shimmy down the ladder, her ass on display under her jean miniskirt.

“Hannah is fine, too. She just hit her head on the wall.”

The minute her feet touch the ground, she throws herself at me. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.”

“Everyone is fine. I promise.”

She takes a step back, hands pressed to my shoulders. “This time! What about next time? What about when it’s you? I knew you moving in with those guys was a bad idea.” She looks over my shoulder, acknowledging Crew. “Sorry, but it’s true.”

I glance at Crew, who has his hands held in the air. “No offense taken. But I think we both know Scar is safer with us.”