Page 29 of Vicious Lies

He nods in response, but I can tell he doesn’t like this situation. “Be safe,” he says, his words directed at me. “Anything happens to her and—”

“Calm the fuck down. Nothing's gonna happen to her.” Crew’s well aware that I’m an adrenaline junkie who lives for speed and a thrill, but with Scar in tow, I’ll take it nice and slow.

Scar swings a leg over the sled and settles in behind me. Her arms wrap around my waist, and suddenly, I believe in the saying,everything happens for a reason.

I pull down the heated shield on my helmet, my coy smile out of sight. “Ready?”

My fingers teeter over the throttle while Scar’s body heat seeps through my heavy ski coat. Her touch alone could thaw fourth-degree frostbite.

We take off, and I’m not sure Scar knows exactly what she’s gotten herself into by hopping on the back of my sled. Of course I’ll play it safe, but beneath us is one of the fastest and fiercest snowmobiles on the market. Naturally, I have to show off a little.

Giving it some gas, she squeezes my waist, as anticipated.

The beak of her helmet rests on my shoulder, and it’s taking everything in me not to turn off this trail and get lost together.

It’s tempting.

So fucking tempting.

In a knee-jerk reaction, I swing a left.

Neo and Crew can handle whatever is going down at The Ruins.

Scar knows these trails well enough by now to know we aren’t going in the right direction, but she doesn’t say a word, at least, not that I can hear.

Instead, she hugs me tighter. My heart pounds beneath the layers of clothing on my chest. This girl is making me reckless. Her face pops into my every thought, my every dream. It always has. I’ve had feelings for Scar since we were kids. Probably even longer than Crew has. I never told a soul, though. Not even her.

She’s not coming.

Should’ve known. Especially after everything that went down yesterday. I shouldn’t be here either. I should be with Neo and Crew and everyone else who stopped by the Saint house to pay their respects to his family. Instead, I’m here. Waiting and wishing on some off chance that Scar will actually show.

With my feet on solid ground, I pace in front of the treehouse, tossing my phone back and forth in my hands. I glance at it and see a missed call from Neo. Seconds later, a voicemail chimes in.

This was a waste of time. I should be with my friends.

The sound of crunching leaves grabs my attention, and suddenly, ‘I should be with my friends’ and ‘I’m staying here’ are waging a war in my head.

My eyes perk up, and I see her.

“You came,” I say, biting down on my smile. The giddiness inside me quickly dissipates when I see the sadness in her expression. “You okay?” I ask, immediately regretting the question because, of course, she’s not okay. None of us are.

Her lips purse together, and she shakes her head. “I just can’t believe she’s gone. Maddie’s mom was one of the sweetest women I’ve ever known.”

It’s true. Carian Saint was kindness and warmth personified. Yesterday, while we were at this exact location, Neo got the call that something happened. Minutes later, we were told Carian was crossing the street when she was struck by a car. She died on the scene.

I wrap my arms around Scar, knowing it won’t ease the pain, but hoping it’ll give us both some sort of comfort during this tragic time. No words are spoken. I just hold her until she doesn’t want me to anymore.

When she steps back, wiping the tears from her eyes, I ask, “How’s Maddie holding up?”

She draws in a bumpy breath, her entire body quivering. “Not good. And Neo?”

“Same, but he won’t admit it. He’s shut down. Likely numb from the pain.”

“It’s probably better that way. At least for now.”

My phone buzzes again, and Scar looks down at my jeans pocket. “You should get that. It might be him.”

I pull it out and take the call while Scar turns around and cries into the sleeve of her oversized flannel.