Page 12 of Vicious Lies

“Date?” he asks, questioning me. “Did I say date? I meant quick fuck.”

“Now that’s more like it. I thought something was off about that statement.”

“How about you? Got anyone lined up for tonight?”

“Nope,” I say with honesty. Right now, the last thing on my mind is girls. Aside from one in particular. One that sleeps in the room next door to mine. That makes even the worst days feel like the best. And one that is completely off-limits because she’s with my best friend.

Neo slaps my leg, really fucking hard, and I shriek. “What the fuck?”

“Sucks to be you, man. There’s still a lot of untapped pussy on campus. Don’t worry, though. I’ll break 'em all in for ya.”

“I have no doubt you will.” I’m staring blankly at my feet on the table when Neo slaps my leg again. “Dude!”

“What the fuck is with you?” he asks, an openness to his tone.

The agitation inside me builds, and if I don’t get it out soon, I’ll explode. “Nothing! I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

“Jesus Christ. You, too?”

My brow furrows as I turn to look at him. “What?”

“You’re acting just like Crew when he started falling for that bitch—”

“Don’t call her that!” I shoot him a glare, fists clenched at my sides.

“And now you’re defending her.” The doorbell rings, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. Really don’t feel like having this conversation with Neo right now. He slaps his own legs, then stands up. Unfortunately, he doesn’t stop talking as he approaches the door. “I’ll tell you the same thing I’ve told him countless times. She’s not worth it. Get yourself a little hottie for the night, or I’ll pass you mine when I’m done. Do whatever the fuck you gotta do, but don’t get tangled in that girl’s web of lies. You’ll live to regret it.”

A tall redhead walks in wearing a pair of furry snow boots and a plaid coat that’s so big it makes it look like she has nothing else on.

“Mmm,” Neo hums as he grabs her ass. When he does, she giggles and turns around, and I see that she, in fact, doesn’t have anything else on. Unless her G-string counts as shorts. “Get that cute little ass bent over my bed and I’ll be there in a second.”

The girl nibbles at her bottom lip, flips her sleek, red hair over her shoulder, and prances up the stairs like an obedient puppy.

“You see that?” Neo says. “That’s what you’re missing out on if you don’t get over that chick.”

I shake my head in annoyance and stretch my legs to pull my phone out of my pocket. Neo ascends the stairs, and when I hear his bedroom door close, I make a call.

“Hey, Dad,” I say in a hushed tone. “Did you find anything out yet?”

“Still working on it, son. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything. And I assume you’re still keeping a tight lid on what you know?”

“Told ya I would.”

“Good. Let’s keep it that way. Your only concern right now is The Academy and the students. Anything on the outside is not your problem—not yet. This goes for Crew and Neo, too. The last thing we need is for that family to find out we’re digging.”

“All right, Dad. Once again, I’m not saying anything. But I hate keeping this shit from them, so tell this guy to hurry up.”

“How’s your grades?”

It’s just like him to change the subject. He said what he needed to say and that’s that. Screw what I want.

“AllA’s, like always. Look. I gotta go. Keep me updated, okay?”

“I’ll be in touch.” Just as I open my mouth to say goodbye, he cuts in, “Oh, and, Jagger, you better not be giving Scarlett a hard time. I told Kol you’d keep an eye on her until this shit is settled.”

“You told Kol?” I huff. “So you can tell your friends, but I can’t tell mine?”

“Let The Guardians and The Elders handle this, Jagger. You just do what you’re supposed to do there and we’ll handle everything on the outside.”